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Prattle On For Pudsey!

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As mundia said, we are trying to keep the Pudsey story thread free of chat to enable us to concentrate on where the story is going.


So, here is the place for as much silliness, off topic chat and Children in Need related fun as we can muster, for as long as we can keep it up.


First of all, a big welcome to dianalexis who has used her very first post to contribute to the story. Well done - keep them coming!




Have managed to fire up the iPlayer and am watching Children in Need via our Broadband connection (I didn't think they were going to be streaming it live).


I loved Wallace and Gromit - so near and yet so far!




I am trying to keep up with the story thread - it got quite confusing very quickly where several people all replied at the same time!

It still makes more sense than the conversations going on in my house tonight!

So you're in the right frame of mind for the mammoth chat then Upsy Daisy!

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