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I just thought I would let you know what happened yesterday. I am sure we all know that in spite of our best efforts, accidents occur in settings. However I am very surprised at what occured.


The children were having lunch when a child suddenly announce "xxx's cut me and I am bleeding" and sure enough there was a small cut on her arm and yes it was bleeding.


The cause of the cut was a crisp held by another child and was not a deliberate act by that child.


I really didnt know crisps were so lethal!!!! :o


Of course it wasn't a major injury but it was upsetting for the child and was quite sore. (probably the salt!)


Wonder what else could be lurking in lunch boxes that i hadn't thought about!


I didnt see it actually happen but all the children agreed and that it was an accident.


I was out last night (in a pub xD:( ) and guess what - I bought a packet of crisps and tried it - and all i can say is OW! and yes I am now wearing a small plaster!! :o


Whatever next!! Self-mutilation, is it really that bad, Geraldine? :o


But seriously, it's amazing what the most harmless seeming things can do!


Sue :D


I have had comments from my son about his 'self harming mum' I simply found it so difficult to believe. I just sort of 'wiped' my arm with a crisp!


I am big and brave though and have now removed the plaster :D - (it was really because I had a white jumper on last night ) and I can only describe it as looking like a cat scratch :o



I have known this to happen in another group and even though the cut wasnt very big it was sore and the child was very upset.


We use to use crisps quite a lot for snack time but now they probebly have them less than once a term.


We will hopefully be running as full day care by the end of this term and the children will be bringing lunch boxes so crisps will be being eaten at diner tme so I will warn staff about the ......Danger of crisps!!!. :o






I have never liked young children having crisps because they tend to stick in the throat if not chewed properly. I stick to things like wotsits and quavers for this reason - try cutting yourself with one of them. :(xD In the playgroup we never have crisps though as we only supply healthy snacks. :o


I heard some years ago that crisps were worse than sweets as they scratched the gums causing infections which led to tooth decay, dont know if it's true, but I've always prefered to buy quavers and wotsits and similar for my family. Wotsits are baked so they also have less fat. :D


I've injured myself more than once by getting crisps stuck in the roof of my mouth :( :( :( but I thought it was just because I'm a peculiarly accident-prone person. Now I know it's not just me!!! :oxD


Dianne xxx


We had a problem with fruit winders and had to 'ban' them from lunch boxes due to the winders getting stuck in children's hair and then having to be cut out! :o


OK, everyone, laugh at this one!


OFSTED this week! What did they give the children as their "healthy snack" on Monday? ..... digestive biscuits, custard creams and crisps. On Tuesday (slightly more healthy, lol) ..... digestive biscuits and custard creams! OFSTED will be gone before the fruit materialises!




Why don't we just puree the food and have done with it :o

Pureed custard creams sound delicious


Watch out for grapes! Sounds funny but grapes can be VERY dangerous for a child if swallowed whole. If you offer grapes at snack time or children have them in lunch boxes - please cut them in half.




I had a wander round the forum last night and read about cutting grapes in half. I then went to read the paper and saw the article about a 17mth old baby who choked on a grape whilst in tesco with mum. Prompt first aid and arrival of paramedics sadly did not safe his life :o Apparently 3 children a year die from choking on grapes - three too many and our grapes were cut today.


On a more lighthearted note, we also had a child choking on carrot a couple of weeks ago - it was actually pretty funny as he coughed and sprayed them EVERYWHERE, we were finding bits for the rest of the day!!! He was fine, but half chewed carrot is quite a funny texture really!




Obviously we all now need to do ( or add to!!!) risk assesments for our snack bars.

Just thinking, we offer raisins and currents. Risk assessment: What to do if said fruit is placed by the child up their nose ( you know, as they do :o )


What other risks should we consider?



Grapes ( are also very slippery if squashed on the floor)

Raisins / currents



any more to add?




Thanks for that Rea, :oxD:(


Sorry, I know it shouldn't, but that did make me laugh :( , maybe it's just the way you wrote it.




Perhaps we need to teach the children about biting and chewing!!!


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