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Hi - as some of you already know - my grandson will sit his 11+ in September - the following question comes from a practice paper!


In the sentence below, five consecutive letters spell the name of part of a poem or hymn. Write this word inside the brackets.


Judith and Michael hardly ever see each other now. (...................)


No prize I'm afraid - just a bit of fun! :(:oxD

hahaha gottiit!! clever


Possum you have to pm the answer to me ........oh no ....I can see now - thank goodness someones got a brain - I must try that hanging upside down...might improve mine!!! :o


it took me a while but got there, not sure how to cover word! mrsW.x


sunnyday, when my youngest sat his 11 plus my husband and I both sat an online 11+ test, to show him there was nothing to worry about!!! Needless to say, neither of us passed. mrsW.x

sunnyday, when my youngest sat his 11 plus my husband and I both sat an online 11+ test, to show him there was nothing to worry about!!! Needless to say, neither of us passed. mrsW.x



Whoops! oh that's fantastic!

sunnyday, when my youngest sat his 11 plus my husband and I both sat an online 11+ test, to show him there was nothing to worry about!!! Needless to say, neither of us passed. mrsW.x



Have to say I passed mine at 11.......but I know I wouldn't now........I have certainly forgotten more than I ever knew!!! :(:oxD


Maths - a complete nightmare....even with the answers at the back of book - I have no idea how to 'get there'! :(


after a few times re-reading the question finally the penny dropped


Im so glad we didnt have the 11+ when I was growing up I think it's alot of pressure on 11 year olds and to think how many children actually are 11 when they take the test (very few!)


keep up tje hard work with the revision

after a few times re-reading the question finally the penny dropped


Im so glad we didnt have the 11+ when I was growing up I think it's alot of pressure on 11 year olds and to think how many children actually are 11 when they take the test (very few!)


keep up tje hard work with the revision

I think the revision is doing ME as much good as him!!! It is in the 'question reading' isn't it..........and yes he will only be 10 when he sits this - poor child.......hope we are doing the right thing by giving him this extra help.......I'm not sure....best thing is that he is keen to do it....I think that otherwise we would drop it very quickly....certainly don't want to put him under any extra pressure.


Here's another one that I thought very 'odd'......


MAN is to WOMAN as EARL is to .........


He couldn't 'get it' .....but when I changed EARL to DUKE he was able to say immediately DUCHESS - so he clearly understood the principle but had no idea what the female partner of an Earl is called.......and why would he?!!! xD:o

Posted (edited)

took me a while to work out but got there in the end :o

Edited by samfrostie

Thanks Possum! - Think my 'main point' with this question was why make it such an obscure 'pairing' - this is 'Verbal Reasoning' - he clearly understood what the question 'meant' and what he needed to do - but just didn't know the right answer - nana didn't either!


As you say sunnyday the trouble with that kind of question, and many others of it's type is that it militates against children from different cultural backgrounds, and probably these days against most children as this question is not now based in general knowledge. It isn't verbal reasoning really at all is it? That was one reason why the 11+ was thrown out in most places and also many IQ tests.


Try this one


Man is to woman as actor is to......... woe betide if the answer was actress. :o


Yes I was being a bit devil's advocate there I'm afraid. In sunnyday's verbal reasoning example they need to use something more obvious and more up to date, applicable to the young people of today. What if it had been 'fireman' would they consider fire-fighter a reasonable answer, or would they want firewoman? That's the trouble with some tests, and if children are more imaginative in their thinking, or the person setting the questions is a bit old fashioned, the answer can be marked wrong when there could be another interpretation.


Needless to say in days of yore I wasn't even entered for the 11+ as they didn't think I'd pass it :o


OK ....I've got one - you have to fill in both blanks - I anticipate some BRILLIANT answers!!!


Ofsted is to Early Years, as .............. is to ................



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