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yeah that is a bit far...do they not deliver to your area? Or do they only deliver to areas close to a store?

not everything is available to buy online, unfortunately.


that's a shame, im sure they must have another must have shop near you though :o


This going to sound REALLY sad but I'm going to Ikea for breakfast tomorrow morning for my birthday xD It's close and really quiet at 9am Saturday morning and £1 for breakfast is good value. It is next door to a cinema complex and we are going to the first showing of Harry Potter so its not as bad as it sounds :o Anyway if any one would like me to get anything to post on please PM me and I'll see what I can do.


wow sounds yummy and good value for money. How lucky being so close to an IKEA, saying that I'd be in there all the time if i lived closer!!


samfrostie :o

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