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Gifted And Talented Children In Nursery

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Guest Wolfie

Has anyone out there devised a policy for Gifted and Talented children in nursery?


I have a parent coming to see me next week who is convinced that her 3 year old daughter is gifted and talented and wants to push for her to be admitted to school early. It's an area that I've never needed to look into seriously and I feel that I need to develop my knowledge and understanding of policy and procedure in this area......any experts out there?


I'm not an expert but as a parent of a G&T child I have had to do some research of my own :o


If you google G&T policies there are some good ones out there and some useful basic information. If you struggle I would happy for you to PM me for some of my links. I don't have a policy myself for the pre-school as I would argue that we differentiate for all children and that from my personal experience there is always something which a child needs support in achieving at that age. My issues came about when the Y1 teacher didn't take on board advice from myself, the pre-school assistant who worked with my child and his reception class teacher. I would not push for an accelerated entry to school or through the school and I know that in our LA children are no longer to enter state secondary schools early any more. Although of course private ed is another matter.


With my son he needed a lot of PSE support as he was great with adults, not so with peers. Even within a setting though he could be stretched and extended whilst staying with his peers and this stopped him being one of those children who feature so heavily on documentaries about this area. Of course your parent might want her child to be such a "star". Hope that helps - I tend to ramble a bit on this subject - sorry!


I have a gifted an talented checklist that I can send you tomorrow if it will help. I had a child who may have ben gifted and talented and the la gave me the checklist


Guest Wolfie

Thank you both for your prompt replies. I would love to see the checklist please killowengirl - and Holly, I may well be pm'ing you in the next couple of days - I'm going to contact the LA tomorrow to see if they have issued any guidelines or can offer support and advice.


Thank you again! :o


I wouldnt encourage this parent to persue an early entry to school due to the social issues of being out of year group unless the child is way ahead of all age related peers in this aspect.

What about fine and gross motor control, can they physically compete or even keep up?


You would be better to encourage skills development in an appropriate setting for the overall development of the child?



I wouldnt encourage this parent to persue an early entry to school due to the social issues of being out of year group unless the child is way ahead of all age related peers in this aspect.

What about fine and gross motor control, can they physically compete or even keep up?


You would be better to encourage skills development in an appropriate setting for the overall development of the child?


I have written a Gand T policy very recently with our county advisor and can upload it if I know how. will give it a go. If not, pm me and I'll swend it. Checklist included. Oh, and it IS foe Nursery children. :o


Hi - I might be talking real rubbish but if you have a GAT child I thught you established an IEP so that they have individual targets to push them on in the area they are strongest - I have never heard of a policy - but to be honest I am policied out at the moment. :o Dot


In theory you would count this as a special need, so yes an IEP would be valuable.


The mum can push all she wants for an early entry to school, but I sincerely doubt that she'll get it. That only happens on the continent, I've never heard of it happening in the UK.

In theory you would count this as a special need, so yes an IEP would be valuable.


The mum can push all she wants for an early entry to school, but I sincerely doubt that she'll get it. That only happens on the continent, I've never heard of it happening in the UK.

One of our parents tried to get her little girl into school early - she is 'superbright', but she would never have been 'emotionally' ready for the rigours of primary school, thankfully the school gave an absolute NO to this............this was last year....so now, this year, she is about to move on and parents are now thinking that as she will not be 4 until August they would like to 'hold her back'. Now someone has defintely lost the plot here! They thought she was ready at 3years and 1 month but not ready now!


Answers on a postcard please!!!




My sister who lives in France got her daughter moved up a year, okay she is very bright but what about the emotional and social side of things?


Funnily enough, my 3 year old seems to think she is 'ready' for school (has got a whole year to go) and asked the bus driver whether she could get on the school bus this morning with her brother. Very cute!

Guest Wolfie
I wouldnt encourage this parent to persue an early entry to school due to the social issues of being out of year group unless the child is way ahead of all age related peers in this aspect.

What about fine and gross motor control, can they physically compete or even keep up?


You would be better to encourage skills development in an appropriate setting for the overall development of the child?



I completely agree with you Susan and have yet to sit down and have a proper discussion with her key person about current levels of learning and development across the six areas. I just feel that I need to do a little fact finding around provision for gifted and talented children so that I am fully prepared for this meeting.


Today I have spoken to our LA lead on Gifted and Talented, who has been very helpful and is sending me a pack of written information that sounds as though it will be very useful.

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