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Hi does anyone have any ideas for music time and using musical instruments. We usually use cds such as sticky kids which have head, shoulders, knees and toes on and the usual ones. The children just walk away and we are left doing the actions on our own. Would like to incorporate the instruments more and have movement as well.

Any ideas would be welcome. The children I work with are 2-5.


Tracey xx :o


we use instruments as part of song time and wheels on the bus song - the drums on the bus go bang,bang,bang, shakers go shake etc end with the band on the bus goes -use all instruments together.

also have great cd world beat with music from around the world which we use to dance with using instruments,ribbons etc

hope thats a start for you x


we used pop music , or as the staff called it night club disco.... things like superman, fast food song, and the twist was always popular...


along with music man for instruments...


May day is coming so we always danced around a Maypole, hopped, skipped with scarves etc to a CD of music suitable downloaded from Internet.. canot say where as one of staff sons did it for us ( it was labelled "Inge's Pole dancing music"! :o always made new staff look twicw findin that in our CD file! xD )


A favourite was always asked for was Ross Bailey Raps from Lawrence Educational we used action raps 1, but notice there are more now. Our children also enjoyed the keeping the Beat CD from them, we had the first one which included things like Humpty Dumpty, and 5 little monkeys in Rap form.


we found lots of noise movement and silly actions kept them wanting more..


none liked the head shoulders etc...




We use melody monkey and the children really enjoy joining in.

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