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We are a playgroup that takes children from 2 yrs 4 mths to normally the september after they are three as they move to our Nursery. Next September we have had a request from parents who wants their child who remained with us and didn't move to the Nursery last September to stay on next September and they will be reception age and five in the summer. How do we stand re: the early years profile if this happens.


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I think the only requirement is that they are in school by the term they turn 5. Surely parent's choice, I'd have thought. You would need to either do the profile or be able to provide lots of information for the teacher to complete it in that summer term. Would the Reception teacher be willing to work alongside you, do you think?

Have they stated the reason for their decision? In the past we've had loads of parents of late summer birthday children say this to us, but when it comes to the 'crunch' their child goes with all their peers in september. Parents feel that their child will 'miss out on making friends at school' otherwise.

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One thing to consider is that in our LA such a request would have to be supported by the SEN team in order for the child to receive funding at your setting. I don't know if this is uniform across all authorities or even if it is an issue for this parent.

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If they are a summer birthday they do not have to start school until the September after their 5th, this is obviously not recommended as they would miss year R out completely and go straight into year 1. As others have said is there a specific need for this from your perspective? We have had children do extra term's at pre-school before starting school but they are normally with us by February time so that they get a good half year in year R before going into slightly more formalised schooling. I do think you should talk to your advisor, area SENCO and the feeder school just to start communications if you haven't already done so. As for the profile, as soon as they hit 'year R' age it needs to be started.

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