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Early Years

Guest ebrahimi

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Guest ebrahimi

Hi! We're looking to update our Early Years policy (LEA school with 4 year old intake). Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the legal requirements for our policy please?


Hi ebrahimi

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.

Can't answer your question as I am not in a school but I am sure there are plenty out there who can!



just thought i could say hello to you ebrahmi

hope you get your answers here

thought i would welcome you



Hi & welcome, you've been hiding for a long time! :o


We did not have a separate Early Years Policy in my last school, although it was something I was beginning to look at. We had statements where applicable and appropriate within our other policies.

There are some publications/ resources available that might help you from Featherstone Education. I know my Lea was recommending them.


Am really interested in this post - but like the others, have nothing to add myself other than welcome!!!


D xxx


We used the Sally Featherstone one, it comes with the basic outline on a CD with suggestions that you can ammend for your on setting - really useful and timesaving!


Yes Sue I saw, but as I cant spell it I'm not totally convinced that you did it right!!! :o


Hi Ebrahimi and welcome and thanks for your first post! :D


Does anyone (Susan, Magenta?) have a reference to the Featherstone material that's been mentioned?




Code: FHA2


Title: First Hand - new audit and policy framework


Price: £17.57



Code: FHD2


Title: First Hand - new audit and policy framework (book + computer disc)


Price: £35.19


reply to ebrahimi

If you send your address to sally@featherstone.uk.com I will send you information on a disc version of an early years policy.

Sally Featherstone

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