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Hi, have been on a Frist aid course to day and the trainer mentioned sending home head bump advice sheets with children who have had a head bump. do any of you do this in a pre-school setting?. obviously we have our accident book and if we were concerned would ring parent or if really concerned get child to hospital. just wondered not heard anyone mention this before.


We don't send home bumped head letters in our pre-school and I think the school only starts sending home letters from reception. I was always told verbally if any of mine bumped heads in nursery.



Yes Aan

we have a head bump note and always fill one of these in to be sent home whenever there is a bump to the head as well as filling in a note in our accident book. If the bump is very bad we will send for the parent/carer to pick the child up.

We have another note for general bumps and scrapes too.

We don't send home bumped head letters in our pre-school and I think the school only starts sending home letters from reception. I was always told verbally if any of mine bumped heads in nursery.


We did in a nursry I used to work in and it worked well as it was a reminder for them as to what to do if concussion occurs. However, in my new setting it is not in our policy. I did wonder myself though whether we should?




I work in a creche and one of my staff went on first aid and she mentioned the same thing.

We have devised a bumped head from that infroms the parents of all the time date, what happened etc. We photocopy the form as on the bottom we have put a little comment that once the child ahas left the setting and they feel sick, dizzy etc to take the from with them if they do to the doctors or A.E. This may be ussfull with the time and how the bump happens and to which part of the head or face.


Photo copy goes home and the original is stapled to accident from.


This may be more than is required but we wanted to cover ourselves.




I am from nursery and we always send home head bump letters no matter how minor the injury appears at the time.


It has all relevant details on regarding the how it happened but also a time too.


I think its a wise move!


We have an accident form which details how the bump happened and how we dealt with it. It also has a time of injury space. The parent signs this at the end of the session. We deal with head injuries differently by doing 10 minute checks on the child for 30 minutes after the incident and noting the 'state' of the injury and child (e.g. 10 mins - red mark, child cuddling with keyworker + cold compress. 20 mins red mark and small bruise, child playing quietly no cold compress. 30 mins - small bruise, child playing in garden - smiling and laughing). hope this helps


purplewednesday that sounds really good. Really important too. A relatively simple bump to the head can cause concussion. My eldest child once picked up and carried my youngest (she was about 2 at the time) they were in the care of their grandparents. Eldest dropped the youngest and she bumped her head. Not a bad bump according to grandparents. Several hours later my youngest was vomitting and very very sleepy. I rushed her to casualty where she was admitted and kept under observation all night. Diagnosed with concussion. She made a full recovery but she didnt even have a bump or bruise on her head.


we have general injury notes and specific bumped head notes if details of symptoms to watch, time , details of incident


Also we have these stickers so all members of staff know a child has had a bump to the head as its not always obvious and staff may not be aware of the injury

i'd really love to see these stickeres, but they won't open on my computer!?!?! anyone else have this problem?

yes I have had the same problem.


Sorry I have Vista -maybe somekind person technically knows how to change it to windows?


I opened them fine ... but i have vista too. can you open them in your vista file and then save them as something else? (so you don't corrupt your own file) - you should be able to save them as an older version of word (my vista does this if you go to 'file' and then 'save as'). I think everyone else should be able to open them! fingers crossed


We fill in our accident book and take a copy of it for home. We also use I've bumped my head stickers which I think are a brilliant reminder for staff, parents and carers (childminders).


Hi all

we have head bump stickers too. we brought them from S&S services i think. I think they the info i am thinking of is more like the info they give out if you attend the A&E.

Posted (edited)

Trying to edit my post to remove attachment but having no luck! Is it possible to remove an attachment? :o

the attachment is not what I thought it was but I can't get rid of it!


Thanks Maz I have removed it now - shame I can't delete the message but never mind!

Edited by Geraldine
Is it possible to remove an attachment? :o

Geraldine: if you go into 'full edit' mode on your post you should see a box marked 'Attachments' directly underneath your message. In this box on the right hand side is anothe box called 'manage current attachments' . If you click on the down arrow you should see the name of your attachment, with three little icons to the left of the name. Click on the one with the red cross to delete the attachment.




We had preprinted notes to be given to the parent at the end of playgroup as necessary. :o


Dear Parent/Guardian,


Your son/daughter ………………………………………… received a bump on the head during playgroup today. Although he/she seems all right we always take the precaution of informing the parents of a head injury, however slight.




• Severe headache (not pain from the wound)

• Vomiting

• Drowsiness

• Becoming irritable or violent

• Neck stiffness

• Double vision

• Unconsciousness

• Crying continuously


Do not give any tablets or medicine unless prescribed by a Doctor.


Signed ……………………………….


I've changed Biccy's attachment to word 97-2003, hope it helps.


I've also attached the cards we used to send home to parents for head injury(given with accident report stating time, how injury occured, how treated etc, sickness/diarrhoea and impetigo advice too.





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