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Towards the end of last week the children in my class were telling tales an awful lot and squabbling. I intend to address this next week with lots of circle time. Does anybody have any suggestions of stories or activities that might help with this? Thanks in anticipation.


Can't remember who, I'm afraid, but someone on here suggested a system where the children posted positive comments in a postbox at the end of lunchtime, eg. "Jane helped me when I fell over" or "Peter let me play with him" and these were shared at the beginning of the afternoon. We tried it in our class and it's really helped - the tale-telling was largely down to the needy children, so now they get the same attention, but in a more positive way :). It's a bit easier for me, perhaps, than someone in a straight YR class, because the Y2 children in class help the YRs write their good news slips when they come in. You could always share the good news orally, though. The knock on effect is that they're all falling over each other to be kind and helpful - albeit with an ulterior motive :o


Thnaks for those tips! I was going to look at the SEAL documents but have left my copies in school and didnt realise that you could download them online so thats great.


Love the idea of a good news box, although may have to adapt the idea slightly as not sure many of my reception children could write their good news!


Many thanks


Just wanted to let you knwo that the good news box is working wonders!!! Thanks so much for the idea!

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