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Ok.. ok.. ok..

i apologise in advance but has anyone any new ideas for a christmas nativity for pre school children (if no new ideas will do 'sleepy shepherd 'from last year) but thought with all the new mewmbers through the year there might be somthing new!!!!!!!!


Any idea very warmly welcome...... :oxD:(:(


I have just bought 'Nursery Rhyme Nativity' from Golden Apple - all songs set to well-known tunes, London Bridge, Hickory Dickory, Oranges and lemons to name a few. Narrative and action also very simple.


hi hali

what's sleepy shepherd and can i have him for this christmas. not being christian and being brought upoverseas, i stress out ovcer the christmas celebrations.


Over the past years have done It's a Baby, The bossy King and Whoops a Daisy Angel. My favourite is the last one. Sometimes we reduce the songs and re-record them if we feel they are too long. Leo these are all nativity plays with a different angle to them. They are purchased from Out of the Ark Music. We have also used many of their themed songs for end of term concerts. I think the cost is about £25 for music and book.



I find nativity quite boring and in my experience the children do to, I remember the year (many moons ago) when little shepherd fred pulled the 'bum' out of the sheep as he watched his flock!!!!


We act out a short version of "Twas the night before christmas" adding songs through it.


We have also done a poem from the initial letters of Merry Christmas. ie: M is for Mary, E is for elves, R is for Robin, and R for Rudolph, Y is for yule log etc The children are in fancy dress and hold up the letter, ending with we wish you a merry christmas.


another idea is to act out "when santa got stuck up the chimney" - one year as a surprise for the children we 'pulled out' Mr Blobby ( a large inflatable) from the chimney, instead of santa.


I have all the above in word docs on my laptop which is being repaired!!! will try to attach them as soon as I get it back.


The main thing is to keep it short, fun and to remember the experience is for the children as much as the parents.


I have tried attachments before but without success- How do I get the document from my desktop? I press the browse button - then what do I do????




Hi you press the browse butten find the document want on ur desk top...double click the mouse and it shold come up once you press the reply button......


Thankyou for the ideas.


Leo can give you script to sleepy shepherd and have music for the songs if you have someone who plays the piano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have some lovely ones, my favourite is 'The Donkey's First Christmas'. As a Christian, I enjoy being able to tell one of 'my' stories, as well as everyone else's!


We have a mixed bag, and everyone enjoys all the 'stories' we introduce. We are currently really looking forward to our Samhain party for our Pagan child :o !


Will let you know!!

Sue :D

Guest alisonjayne

Hi Sue don't want to seem ignorant or anything but what is a Samhain Party? Also is the Donkeys First Christmas the one by Brian Wildesmith? Also where can I can the Ark Music books from.

Alison :oxD

Guest alisonjayne

thanks Bubblejack for such a speedy answer. I cant believe we are thinking Christmas on such a sunny day

Alison :oxD


yes please Hali... have already started worrying about christmas.


Last year we did 'Baboushka' which went very well. There were some speaking parts and the rest were animals in the stable. They could choose which animal they wanted to be and one little boy was a lizard. Well! It was WARM IN THE MIDDLE EAST!!!! It was our adaptation of the story and the children and parents enjoyed it> i was in tears through it :o (of joy and pride) xD:D

You can have as many or few cast as you want depending on the number of children in your group>


Hi alisonjayne,

Sorry, never thought! Samhain is the name of the Pagan festival which has been hijacked and turned into Hallowe'en. It's on October 31st (as if you didn't know!!) and is the MAJOR festival for pagans. The Mum has been great and told us all about what to do, she's chuffed to bits that we're having a party for her daughter. Her last Nursery treated her like a weirdo and never touched on their beliefs at all, so we're well in! Besides, I like to make all our children feel special!! Face paints, fancy dress and GAMES.


The story we base our Nativity on is a charming, amusing book written by an eleven-year-old called Kimberley Parr. Title - obviously - is 'The Donkey's First Christmas'.

We have also used 'The Christmas Play', a book-length poem by Clare Bevan and Julie Park, published by Lion Children's books. ISBN 0 7459 39902, if you want detail!! :o Great fun!!


Sue :D


I found this on this site, posted by Nichola last december. www.billybear4kids.com loads of christmassy ideas. :D


Our play this year is called 'A present for the baby' and again is from 'Out of the Ark'. Baby jesus won't stop crying, lots of different people bring him expensive gifts etc, but eventually the baby stops crying when somebody gives him a present that costs nothing at all....a kiss.


The play is nativity based and although we are using it in KS1, I feel that it could easily be performed by pre-school children with maybe some simple adaptions.


Hope this helps Hali



  • 1 month later...

This year our nursery are doing the Sleepy shepherd and have managed to involve all of our pre- schoolers. The two year olds are going to sit at either sides of the stage and have stars to wave during one of the songs Under a star. has anyone else done this play?? Any suggestions ? :)

  hannahb said:
This year our nursery are doing the Sleepy shepherd and have managed to involve all of our pre- schoolers. The two year olds are going to sit at either sides of the stage and have stars to wave during one of the songs Under a star. has anyone else done this play?? Any suggestions ? :)

Our Nursery and Reception kids are doing the Sleepy Shepherd this time around, but as my class is split Reception and Year 1, I have to spend rehearsal times with my Y1s as there are more of them, but I do know that every nursery and every reception child has a part (so that's 80) there are the characters at the front of the book and then others are extra angels, stars, shepherds and people on their way to Bethlehem for that song.

Our Year 1 and 2s are doing 'The Shiniest Star' and I can really reccomend this to anyone with older kids, as it is a great nativity with real comedy and some great acting parts.


do you have the script for the sleepy shepherd?

does anybody have the script?

Guest alisonjayne

Hi Hali

Would you be able to post the script or let me know the ISBN number of the book

Thanks Ali :o


We are also doing Sleepy shepherd with our pre-schoolers. It is published by Out of the Ark who have a website www.outoftheark.com. The book comes with a CD so that you have the music to learn the tunes. It is very good, all the staff are very enthusiastic and the children love the songs especially "Bumpy road"! We are trying to get some of the children to say simple lines but this is having mixed success at the moment.

  Nichola said:
Our Year 1 and 2s are doing 'The Shiniest Star' and I can really reccomend this to anyone with older kids, as it is a great nativity with real comedy and some great acting parts.

My daughter was the shiniest star when she was in Y2 Nichola. :) I just love it when you're reminded of these things unexpectedly. :D

  Beau said:
  Nichola said:

Our Year 1 and 2s are doing 'The Shiniest Star' and I can really reccomend this to anyone with older kids, as it is a great nativity with real comedy and some great acting parts.

My daughter was the shiniest star when she was in Y2 Nichola. :) I just love it when you're reminded of these things unexpectedly. :D

Aww I do love that role I'm sure you got a little fed up of all that 'twinkle sparkle', or maybe not! My favourite song in that one is the one Herod sings 'I'm the King'. My class are really getting into the response bit.

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