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Hi all


Am new to Nursery after several years in Reception and finding it all quite a challenge! Have recently discovered your brilliant forum and have already got loads of new ideas - thanks chaps.


However, have one big problem and that's my working hours. At the moment I am working an extra hour per day compared to my colleagues and am not sure how to go about reclaiming some much needed de-stressing time! Do any of you know if I can claim time off in lieu of these hours worked or am I at the mercy of my head teacher? I had a feeling I'd read I could have a day off each month but perhaps that's only wishful thinking??? Any advice would be much appreciated.


Hello and welcome.

Is all this time teaching time? If you are a teacher you need to work out your directed time based on the 1265 hours each year. This will of course include meetings, parents evenings and INSET. Some schools do give their staff their directed time budget. You need to check that you are getting 10%of your actual teaching time as PPA. PPA must be given at a time when you are normally teaching, not around it. If you are teaching 5 hours a week more than other staff then you will get more PPA time. This is something you need to sort out with your HT or you could ask your union for advice. Sorry I can't be more helpful.


Hi Helen and welcome! I think it will be very much at the discretion of your headteacher -when I was on teachers' pay and conditions I ALWAYS worked more hours than contracted with no hope of claiming it back - we all did!

Hello and welcome.

Is all this time teaching time? If you are a teacher you need to work out your directed time based on the 1265 hours each year. This will of course include meetings, parents evenings and INSET. Some schools do give their staff their directed time budget. You need to check that you are getting 10%of your actual teaching time as PPA. PPA must be given at a time when you are normally teaching, not around it. If you are teaching 5 hours a week more than other staff then you will get more PPA time. This is something you need to sort out with your HT or you could ask your union for advice. Sorry I can't be more helpful.


Thanks Jacquie

Am getting PPA time but because Nursery hours have been extended this year am currently working 5hours more contact time with the children. Think I'll have to contact union for advice as am currently only receiving same no of hours PPA as other staff - all a bit confusing.


Yes I think discreet advice from the Union is your best bet. Your HT may just not have thought through the 10% PPA statutory requirement with your increased teaching time. This is a situation which must be occurring as school nurseries open for the extra hours which are gradually rolling out. I think the unions will have to sort this one out. KS2 staff in many schools have always taught longer hours than KS1, and this would be reflected in their PPA allowance.


Welcome to the forum Helen. xD I hope you get your hours sorted out soon and in the meantime take your mind off it by telling us about your favourite things here. :o


Thanks for the replies everyone, it's good to know there are several equally confused teachers out there!

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