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Nursery Record Kepping Booklet


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Hello there, I have been reading with interest over the past few months and finally joined this evening. Hurrah!


I'm trying to develop a booklet or some such thing to record progress through their time at nursery. I am hoping to incorporate photos, obs, parent contributions and specific information relating to reception e.g early profile points - maybe a bit of highlighting...has anyone got any brainwaves about how this can be manageable with up to 75 children?!?! :o I've had a look on the resource library tonight and have gleened some great new stuff so thank you all!

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welcome aboard!


I'm a childminder so can't offer you any wonderful ideas for your 75 records but I'm sure someone clever will be along soon!



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Have a peek at the learning journey threads on here......... everyone has different ideas................ scrap books, wallets with plastic folders.......... etc.



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Hi & welcome - we have put into process our "Learning Journey" - very very simple - front page says Learning Journey, child's name and a place for their picture to go on - inside obs are stuck in, along with phot's, parent feedback etc - I am placing them in date order as all areas of learning cross over in obs. Each obs is evaluated and I write the child's next step under obs I feel necessary - have taken loads of ideas from Supporting Every Child's Learning by Vicky Hutchin - best book every - simple terms.


I know it is working, as one of my children after sticking in his bits and his lovely cutting out, was so proud to take it home for the weekend. His mum was pleased and I discussed how great it would be for her and her child to add to it over the weekend.


Dot :o

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Hello and welcome to the forum from me too!! xD


We do similar to Dot, we have 64 children on books and 6 memebers of staff. It is managable if you keep up to date. It soon builds over the year!! Before you know it it is getting full and you start to panic there might not be enough pages in the scrap book!! :o

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Hello, I'm in a pre-school setting with anything from 28 (at present) -40 cildren on roll and we have been doing childrens scrapbooks containing obs, photos, childs work and comments from parents for the last 4 years. we started off with proper scrapbooks but as a lot of our children are with us for 2 years soon stopped as we were running out of pages, so for the last 3 years or so have been using just plain A4 paper. we have a cover, explaination sheet and just bind them with plastic spines. Parents love them, children love them as well and we often go through their books with them. For some, children that have spent 5 morning a week with us for 2 years, end up with 2 bound books as there is too much stuff to bind into one. It really is a lovely record of their time with us and the way they have 'grown' over that time.

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Hello, I'm in a pre-school setting with anything from 28 (at present) -40 cildren on roll and we have been doing childrens scrapbooks containing obs, photos, childs work and comments from parents for the last 4 years. we started off with proper scrapbooks but as a lot of our children are with us for 2 years soon stopped as we were running out of pages, so for the last 3 years or so have been using just plain A4 paper. we have a cover, explaination sheet and just bind them with plastic spines. Parents love them, children love them as well and we often go through their books with them. For some, children that have spent 5 morning a week with us for 2 years, end up with 2 bound books as there is too much stuff to bind into one. It really is a lovely record of their time with us and the way they have 'grown' over that time.



This sounds lovely and we are doing something similar - do you also have a tracking sheet/book to track the children through the 'development matters' or does your scrapbook cover this??

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Thank you all for the warm welcome and great ideas...i'm trying to come up with something manageable at the mo....will try and post what I come up with it in the resources if i work out how..! :o

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We are using a tracking sheet to moniter the dev matters but to be honest- I dont really know if we are going to need it, just that it's early days with all the other stuff yet.We certainly didn't need to use one before as a quick flick thro' a childs scrapbook could tell you easily what they had achieved and where they were at

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