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Daily/weekly Activities


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As the general thing seems to be no medium term plan can I ask how you are planning to cover the stepping stones? Or will this just be done by the children accessing/selecting resources within the continious provision?


We have been advised to set up workshop areas/ continious provision, do you plan activities to put in these areas, to cover each area of learning each week or day?,ie in water tray add funnels, link with a maths intenion or again are you letting the children add resources that they require observe and then link to learning?

Bit confused on if we are putting lots of toys/resources in each area for them to self select where does the adult planning part come from?


Does this all make sense?/silly question!?



Also are your focus/adult led activities planned from the previous weeks children observations if not where do these come from?

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Hi Sharonash

I understand what your problem is. I am letting my chidlren select their own resources and toys etc and using continuous provision planning sheets for this part as my long term planning (see forum topic on continuous planning for examples). However on my short term planning I will have an enhancements section so that i can then plan to put things out that relate to what I am teaching. So a mixture of both is the answer.

My adult led activities will intially be on the topic 'Ourselves' until I find out more about the chidren, and this is a great topic to start off with to find out what the children are interested in.

Sometimes you have to design the topic yourselves because the children won't always come up with the ideas, however when they do then run with them.

Have I just rambled?

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Have I just rambled?

No, sounds perfectly rational to me!


We don't do the topics thing - but your system sounds sensible and workable. Continuous provision is the cloud that hovers above my head and follows me wherever I go. I really must get it organised!



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We have everything out on shelves divided into different areas of learning and the children select what they want to use and then put it back in the same way they found it after they have finished.

The activities on the shelves for selection by the children are chosen by us to go on the shelves from the observations we make of the childrens needs and interests.

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We have the following workshop areas: role play, home corner, book corner, mark making, malleable, construction (sm/lge), creatvie, messy, snack bar, puzzles...think that's it! Each area is set up with resources available for the children to access independtly i.e. mark making area is one large table, a vegetable rack filled with pens, pencils, hole punchers, seloptape, scissors, paper, envelopes, stickers, rulers, magazines, pritt sticks etc, this is then used by the children whenever they like to do whatever they like, generally and adult sits at the table but really to join with the children and observe when appropriate.


We changed our system about 1 1/2 ago now to free flow and free choice and I prefer working like this...planning from the children's interests etc, can be harder sometimes because you have to think quicker on your feet.....another example......

last year the children all started playing pirates, so we brought in the climbing frame from outside (it was raining very very hard) turned this into a pirates ship, made hats, maps, got face painting out and sang 'the pirate song'. The children enjoyed this and by the end of the session they were happy and all talking about it to their parents at home time. The next day the majority of them brough back in their maps because they wanted to do a treasure hunt.......yes you guessed it .........and so on.


the workshop areas are part of our continous provision.....the pirate ship activities would have been written down in the weekly planning sheet. I'm still getting to grips with the EYFS but when I have changed my planning sheets to show EYFS i can then show where all this would relate to that.......hope that makes sense!


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I have downloaded the continuous provision plans from the resources section. I think the learning objectives are not very detailed. What does anyone else think? I am trying to improve my continuous provision planning sheets and in the sample given by our local authority the heading is key learning opportunities (not learning objectives as in download) and these are linked to the EYFS. There is also a section for Resources - permanent and resource organisation. There is a section for intended experiences and appropriate vocab. The local authority have done one example of the book area and left the others to be completed ourselves. Does anyone have any continuous provision planning formats that they are happy to share?



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I have downloaded the continuous provision plans from the resources section. I think the learning objectives are not very detailed. What does anyone else think? I am trying to improve my continuous provision planning sheets and in the sample given by our local authority the heading is key learning opportunities (not learning objectives as in download) and these are linked to the EYFS. There is also a section for Resources - permanent and resource organisation. There is a section for intended experiences and appropriate vocab. The local authority have done one example of the book area and left the others to be completed ourselves. Does anyone have any continuous provision planning formats that they are happy to share?





If you have a look on the Durham website there are lots of completed examples of the each area for continuous provision sheets. They are really good and detailed.

Boogie x :o

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