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Home Corner Play


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I would like to update and enlarge our nursery homecorner area. Can anyone suggest useful books I can read before consulting our children. This is my first posting.

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I would like to update and enlarge our nursery homecorner area. Can anyone suggest useful books I can read before consulting our children. This is my first posting.

Welcome to the forum, tissue!


I agree with Wolfie: Featherstone publications are always a good place to start.



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Have you seen "A place to learn-developing a stimulating learning environment"? It's a very good book and there is a section about home corners and role play.


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Hello Tissue, a warm welcome from me too :o


Here is an article by community playthings



Here is just an interesting read about what children gain from role play.




I love the way you are planning to 'consult' the children for their ideas. xD



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Hi and welcome tissue


"A corner to learn" By Neil Griffiths is good for ideas too.



If you've got the space and the resources I would be tempted to keep a traditional "home" corner area and develop an alternative---space ship, castle etc.

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  • 2 months later...


Just wanted to let you all know our 'new' home corner is looking great. The Children wanted a mail box and door bell. Potties, baby bottles and a changing mat, and most of all the boys thought we should have super hero dressing up clothes. Parents made dolls clothes, bedding, cushions and tablecloths. There was also a small budget to buy some new furniture and dolls. We will continue to add to it. Thanks for all your help.

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Sounds fab Tissue! :o

Isn't it great that the children are having their say in what should be in the home corner. They can really 'own it' now can't they. Well done for getting parents involved too.

I wish you all many hours of play. xD

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Thanks Dublinbay.

Just want to share how much I love seeing the boys in superman suits "feeding the baby".





We've just bought some great superhero costumes - batman, spiderman, and a blue and red power ranger.

Children love these and they look so cute, if a little odd, in the suits which have muscles built in.

Needs to be seen! :(

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