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Hello all,

I'm after advise (again) I work in a small community pre-school (20 children,not all everyday) and have just been to a committee meeting that consisted of the following people-

4 staff members

Chair (who emmigrates to Australia in 10 days)

Secretary (no children at pre-school at present, moving home in Jan)

Treasurer (no children at pre-school at present, twins start in Sept)


none of the other parent stayed at home time to join in. Does anyone have any ideas on enthusing (sp?) the other parents, all ideas welcome.

xD Sal


Hi everyone, I have only became a member recently and have really benefited from it.


I am also a Leader in a playgroup that is committee run. I invited all parents along one evening for an information evening where I would discuss with parents the activities and learning their child would cover this year at pre school. I had tea / coffee available and then as the evening was about to start the chairperson discussed the role of the committee and stressed the need for new members. This really worked, half of the parents signed up. Something to think about!


YES!!! tell them there's a :o BIG surprise for those who attend the next meeting...........you can't possibly tell them until they are all there.......and then when they attend, tell them that, without their support/attendance at committee meetings, you'll be forced to close. If they want that to happen, tell them to vote and you can close next day!! My bet is they'd be so shocked, they'll be at your feet begging you to take them on as committee members!! oh and don't forget to tell them how nice it was to see them attend when they thought there was something nice for them.......................which, of course, there is.........the lovely group their child attends!!


ok, a bit tongue in cheek, but you get the picture :)


I'm with you there Narnia.......I really think parents have no idea what would happen if all the committee either left/resigned etc.

We were really struggling until a new Secretary came onboard. He is fantastic at rallying people around and encouraging them. His children have now left us but he has stayed. He is even doing a childcare course with the OU self-funded.

Sometimes one good person can be a huge influence on an otherwise sluggish committee.

Good luck Salsa73!



Hi Monica and welcome! You'll be addicted before you know it!


We are a committee run pre-school and this is as perennial problem. What works one year doesn't work the next, but don't give up! Keep a list of all the ideas everyone posts and remember, its all about the children!


Keep posting!


We used to find it varied - some years parents wanted meetings straight after preschool other years parents were happy to come out in the evenings. You could send out a questionaire asking when would be most convenient for them. At one stage we were having meetings straight after preschool and providing childcare in another room.


Hi salsa73, I did what narnia suggested a long time ago. I wrote a letter to all parents saying we will close without a committee. It worked, we had a full committee for about 3 years, they did a wonderful job and were able to pass on the importance of the committee to new parents. None of them realised what the playgroup had to do and how important their role was.

Have you tried an open day for parents who's children already attend? Set up a usual session, invite parents in, let them know through notice boards and staff input exactly what you do and why and the things committee can be involved in and hopefully someone will take up the posts. I used to hide the big jobs until I had some interest, just used to say they could help with washing, writing newsletters, paying the rent, shopping etc, and then slowly go to more indepth jobs.

Good luck :o


And a warm welcome to Monica xD:(


hi and welcome from me too!


I dont know about you but there is always quite a bit of moaning from parents about various things in a community pre-school, when trying to get parents on board I go with the tact that if they want things to change/things done differently or to contribute to the decisions such as where the xmas party is etc etc then why not join the committee and make a difference!! We did send a letter with a sign of a big pointing finger saying 'we need you' and then listed the various reasons why!

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