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Feeling Rotten


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Hi there, what a week!! Started the week losing a lens out of my glasses when I arrived at school. I had been to the doctors with a swollen tongue and convinced myself I was really ill, then arrived at school and the head teacher looked at me at playtime and said- you have lost a lens. Despite offering endless golden points to the children- it was not found.

So I am stuck at school- can't see, can't drive etc etc. I have to spend the week relying on others for lifts. Tuesday- the member of staff giving me a lift didn't leave school until 6pm and I go to fat club at 7pm, so really exhausted.

Then Wednesday- stuck at school - full govs meeting at 7pm so took a packed tea. I finally put my key in the front door at 10.45pm!!!!!

On a course today- thought great, I can rest up. but no, it was on provision mapping which i had never heard of and everyone else seemed to be an authority on, and it was on CAF - common assessment framework, - which i also knew nothing about.

I came home, utterly deflated and immediately fell into a deep sleep, woken up by my aspergers son asking me to make a cake for his campaign- couldn't say no...

My daughter (14) wants me to straighten her hair, the kitchen is in a tip and I feel like crying.

To top it all the Bishop is visiting school tomorrow and i have to play piano, conduct the choir and generally have loads of energy which i do not have- roll on the weekend!!!

I feel better already, just for venting- thank you


Oh Suzy - poor you!


Like the old song says - "things can only get better". I hope you feel better soon - go on and have a good cry if you need to - you'll feel heaps better afterwards!




What a nuisance about your glasses. I'm sorry you are having such a hard week but I'm sure things will lighten up soon. Most people on this forum seem to recommend a little liquid refreshment to cheer oneself up.......!


Suzy what a crap time you have had, try and get a break, xD:( Virtual hugs to you - it is so difficult when things go wrong, what a busy life we all lead, take comfort in the fact you are a caring and loving mum, prioritise - I need to practice what I preach also. :o


Oh Suzy, and I presume you don't even get to eat any of the cake. :o


I agree with Maz, a good cry always relieves tension for me ( normally done in the shower, as this helps me feel better too)

followed by liquid refreshment, although as I also go to 'fat club' or WW - getting thinner club, as I call it, the liquid refreshments are now rationed.


Only one more day to go, enjoy the music, morning mantra " I will have fun today". Then it's the weekend, yes still work, but a different variety, which they say is the spice of life.


Hope you perk up soon.




Oh Dear poor you,


I'm having a week like that and I can't wait for Friday evening to arrive! From the sounds of it you are a wonderful person who gives an awful lot, be proud of yourself, but please delegate as much as you can, take time for yourself (even 2 mins) and let it all out sometimes.


I need to go to thinner club, but util I do, I'll keep on with a large glass of wine on a friday evening!


Good luck with getting your glasses sorted out too,

Abby :o


hey suzybell

You are not alone feeling very much the same what a week and well I don't frink but I need my chocolate to get me through! not much good to my figure! but don't feel alone as we all get this and you sound a very lovely person and anytime just give us a buzz as its good too talk and let everyone know how your feeling.



What a nuisance about your glasses. I'm sorry you are having such a hard week but I'm sure things will lighten up soon. Most people on this forum seem to recommend a little liquid refreshment to cheer oneself up.......!


And lots of chocolate!!!! Hope you feel your old self again....

If its any consolation there must be something in the planets cos quite a few having a bad week. :o



Yes, its that Mars causing all this trouble, and is particularly stressful for Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra, and especially so if you have these combinations in your house (as we do) or you work colleagues.


The bad news, the mars retrograde doesn't end until January 30th!


You certainly know how to cheer a girl up- thank you so much. You are all a lovely lovely lot!!! :)


Hi Suzybell, hope you have a better day today and get some 'me time' over the weekend. If the wine and chocs are out of the question what about a deep warm bath with lots of bubbles, it always looks relaxing in films.

Virtual hugs from me too, try not to let it all get too much.



Hi Suzybell, I hope today was a bit better and you can have a good weekend.



Suzybell... hope your week ended better xxxx


mundia--- If what you say about mars is right... it's it our duty to help people like suzybell and others by eathing them all up???? I'm sure between us all we could clear the shelves well before the end of Jan!!!!!!!!!!!



Suzybell... hope your week ended better xxxx


mundia--- If what you say about mars is right... it's it our duty to help people like suzybell and others by eathing them all up???? I'm sure between us all we could clear the shelves well before the end of Jan!!!!!!!!!!!



Please can I be excused - although its my chocolate bar of choice it has way too many WW points. You can have my share louby loo!




Hi Suzy


It's the weekend at last!!!!! Time to rest and recharge your batteries...well in reality you may be rushing around after your family but I hope you get some me time and start next week with a clean slate.




I hope things are a bit better for you today Suzy! We all have our own ways of dealing with stress and overload and heres hoping you have found yours.

Virtual hugs going your way - next week will be better!!!!


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