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Had The Call - What Will They Expect?

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We had 'the call' today & our friendly team of inspectors will be with us next week (bang goes the weekend!). Anyway - just looking for some advice really from others who have experienced an insoection at this time of year - am in a nursery (within a primary school), children are part time & have just completed their 1st week (of full sessions!) what will the inspectors be looking for??? What assessments will they want to see. Am concerned as not much up on walls yet (focus has been on stopping them crying!).

Getting more stressed by the minute - any advice gratefully recieved!


Hi fluffy

hope all goes well! Remember to chill this weekend too, you will need your energy for next week.

I cant help much with the nursery bits or the inspections at this time of year although I would think they will want to see happy settled children and your records as they exist.

However the school I was at, was inspected in March and although I cant say I liked or would want to repeat the experience it was less stressful than previous style inspections. The teaching obs are a much lighter touch and not every one will be observed. Unless you are SMT you may not even come into contact with the inspector although being in nursery they will probably want to see how the children enter. The focus is the SEF and the head and SMT will come under much scrutiny. Your head will also be notified by the night before of what the emphasis will be and should be able to give you a proposed timetable during that day too. At least that was our experience.

Concentrate on doing what you know you do best and dont change anything for the inspection.


Good luck.


Having bee throuhg inspections at the start and end of the year, the one at the beginning was far preferable!

Its really difficult to know what the experience will be like, it depends on the team, Ive had the really awful and the really good experience.


Much of what they will be looking at will be last years data, from FSP scores, and what the school has said on its SEF. You should have seen or see on Monday the PIB which will tell you what they are looking for, which they will have decided before they come.


For nursery they will want to see how you settle in the children, make initial observations, how you involve parents (my 'good' experience was in a September and they came on home visits with us), how you track progress etc.


If you're not in SMT where much of the focus will be, you just need to be well planned for if you are observed, even if that planning is focussed on developing routines and settling in.


Please don't make yourself ill by working too much, life is too short, there is a point where you cant possible do any more that will make a difference to them so make sure you get some 'you' time this weekend.


and good luck with it .


Thanks for the replies & words of encouragment - am just setting off into school now - to get some stuff sorted. Then am definately goign to have some 'me' time. thanks again


I can only repeat what others have said 'relax' this weekend.

Mundia is right, life's too short to worry about things we cannot change and too busy sometimes to change the things we can.

My philosphy on inspections was to always have a reason for why I did things a certain way, they might not have liked my answers but they couldnt argue them if I had paperwork to back it up.

Hope all goes well, :oxD


Hope it all goes well Fluffy, I would suggest that if all the paperwork is in order concentrate on just playing with the children, joining in with their play if possible, not telling them what to play. If they see settled children and you can talk about the areas of learning that have taken place, they should be relatively happy. They can't expect too much when the children have just started.

You could make a display whilst the inspectors are there, then you can be seen to be 'decorating' the room.


Don't get yourself stressed over the weekend. If you are as relaxed as possible, then hopefully the children will stay relaxed too.


Good luck


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