Running Bunny Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Hi, Can anybody help me with a query that has come into our office today - not counting Quality Assurance schemes, are there any other awards that PVI or out of school settings can work towards? Perhaps something along the lines of anti-bullying, healthy eating, partnership with parents etc...? Any thoughts or ideas would be grateful!
belle06 Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 It is not really an award but we signed up to stop the rot which is all about binning the sugar and healthy teeth if that is any help.
Guest Wolfie Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 How about the Basic Skills quality mark - that's got a lot to do with partnership with parents as part of it? We've also just renewed our Investors in People status...but I suppose you would include that in Quality Assurance schemes? There's also the LPPA award all about partnership with parents but that might just be for maintained settings, I'm not sure.
Guest Wolfie Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Yep, it's an award that ANY organisation can work towards - very much to do with proving that you support every individual's personal and professional development by identifying and meeting training needs, that the organisaton has clearly stated aims, objectives, POLICIES!!!, development plan, etc. and that everyone works as a team to meet those objectives.
louby loo Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Wolfie - in your honest opinion - do you think it's worth doing? do feel the setting gets any real benifits? ~~~ I know a setting near us has it.. but I've been told some terrible tales about how they treat some of their younger trainees- really taking advantage of age + training with regards to pay-related employment. Kinda puts me off - although I'm totally committed to personal development within the team, and think it would be good for the staff to have this recognised, the owner is to, and I think it would be nice for her too (bit garbled- but hope you know what I'm getting at!!)
Guest Wolfie Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 I'm not really decided about its benefits to be honest. I think that it gives the organisation good local status because it is a very well known award and obviously working towards any award makes you reflect upon your practice and implement changes and new initiatives that should benefit the organisiation and its employees. However, as with all these awards and quality assurance marks, it has involved endless paperwork and has been very time consuming, although being reassessed isn't as lengthy as obtaining the mark in the first place. I'm waffling I know! The process of reflection and making things better has been beneficial - whether or not you decide to actually be assessed for the award depends on whether you "need" that final external stamp of approval to say that you have got things right....or are getting there! Why not ask the team of staff whether it is something they would feel good about achieving?
louby loo Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 think I might do that.(aks staff)... I'd like to new owner to get some recognistion..she's totally commited to quality care and pays for training, planning days etc without comment, ~~the previous owner/manager didn't really promote staff development as she wanted to 'be in charge' all the time. When I first started staff were slightly demoralised, and totally lacking in their own confidence although they were all doing an excellent job, they're all various forms of CPD now and confidence levels have shot up benifiting the children immensely.
Guest Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 I did the Investors in People Award and found it really good. The only trouble is I cannot afford to renew it as this time they want £900 to do it. I found that personally as an owner and manager it was very helpful. It outlined really good working practices and made me look at the Pre-school from a business point of view instead of always from the children curriculumn side. We had 2 very nice business men give us advice and do the assessment for the award. I think it depends on what you want from an award, for me as a private pre-school it was very beneficial.
louby loo Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 ouch..... mines a private pre-school ..... but I can think fo better things to spend £900 on!!
Guest Wolfie Posted July 13, 2007 Posted July 13, 2007 Our initial assessment was sponsored and free but the renewal has cost £1200!!
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