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Everything posted by DebBrad

  1. It is all so frustrating isn't it? Our Committee want to open, we had a very awkward staff meeting, none of our staff are keen to come back so it's looking like it will just be me, (which obviously can't happen) committee have said we will have to get temporary staff in if needs be! Not sure how that is going to work, I'm just praying two of my staff will say yes to coming back even if its just for two days each! All this is so stressful !!
  2. Not till September but it’s my first one so a little Anxious !!! Nice to know that we will have a little more time on our side.!!!!
  3. Quick question - I know all Ofsted Inspections have been put on hold during covid , does anyone have any idea on when these will resume?
  4. Sounds like your setting is very like ours, one room! Luckily we do have a lot of outdoor space so we will be spending most of our time outside!! Hopefully we will all make it work!
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