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  1. There is a new deletion state available to you called Partial Deletion. Partial Deletion allows you to retain some key information about the child on your account, while deleting the rest and freeing up a space on your account. Partially deleted children will have the following data retained: Their name Their date of birth Their booking, registration, invoice and payment data Their accident forms Any reflections they are attached to All their other data, such as photos and videos, will be deleted after 90 days. It will remain in our backups for a further 90 days and then that data is permanently deleted.
  2. Hi Emma, Thank you for your feedback 🙂 are you referring to register exports (printable versions), rather than the online register on Tapestry? Number of children down the side of the register for ease Do you mean you would like to see the total number of children expected on the register? This is something we are looking at adding, along with displaying the number of absences expected on the selected day/selected period; I have put you down on our contact list for when this goes live, but do let us know if you mean something else. Child's names on one line - possibly less space for comments so that each days register does not go over onto two pages Again, is this referring to when you export the register to PDF? I can put a request to the team to look at ways of making the register more compact, so that it doesn't go over so many pages. You can use the 'Layout Options' section when exporting a register and untick the columns you don't want to include if that helps in the meantime. Possibility of exporting the register to excel so that the data can be manipulated to suit each individual setting We are also in discussion about this as well; I have added you to the contact list for this and we will keep you posted. Sundry items - we have currently set up our hot dinners as a session so that the charge appears on the invoices but because you have to add a time it also appears on our registers. Is there any plan to include the facility to add sundry items to invoices without them having to be set up as a session? There is currently the option to add 'Additional Line Items' to and invoice, but we will be releasing 'Extra Charges' as part of the next Invoices update, which is due within the next couple of weeks (provided testing goes well). It will give you the ability to add meals and other items as 'Extra Charges' and set prices for them, then you will be able to add these alongside sessions as part of a regular schedule (if you are charging for them consistently), or ad hoc as required from a child's dashboard. The Extra Charges will have their own section on the invoices so you can see which charge is which. Will this suit your needs? As I say, it is due out very soon so do keep an eye on our social media and for a yellow banner within Tapestry itself for when we announce its release 😁 If you have any questions about the above or would like to add some more information for us, please do let us know. Best wishes, Kat Tapestry Support
  3. She was soooooooo funny and you are absolutely right; many things said at the table that night (from all of us!) were probably not for the faint of heart!
  4. I was very lucky in 2014 to have a curry with Miriam Margoyles (one of my absolute icons!), while I was living in Adelaide, Australia. My uncle, Julian, was directing a play for The State Theatre Company of South Australia called 'Neighbourhood Watch', where she was the star of the show and after one evening's rehearsal, she came to my uncle's house for dinner (I was living with them at the time). My favourite part was when she tucked a napkin into her collar and said to me, with gusto and a huge grin on her face, "You will excuse me, I am a very messy eater!" It was the most fun I've ever had at a family dinner 🤣
  5. Hi, We've also added Registers to our management tools. The register can be online or printed, and information for it is taken directly from details put into Booking (as per Emily's post above). You can find out more about Registers on this post and also how to use online registers in this tutorial. Our next bit release will be Invoices, which is currently due for June this year; we are on track so far, but will be keeping everyone up to date via our social channels and our newsletter. You can have a sneak preview of Invoices on this page here. If you have any questions, please do let us know. Best wishes, Kat
  6. Hi @Claire_Stemp, No problem - I have added you to the contact list for this feature. We will keep you posted on this when we know more! Please note we have some larger projects in the works at the moment, so there will be a bit of a wait still on this one 🙂 thank you for your understanding. Best wishes, Kat
  7. Hi! Thank you for your suggestion! This is something that has been brought up before and it is on our 'to-do' list for a future date; I have added your comments to the discussion and we will keep you posted on our progress with this. Please note however that we have several larger features that our developers are working on at the moment, so there will be a bit of a wait before something like this would be started on 🙂 If you have any questions about this though, do let us know. Best wishes, Kat
  8. Hi @Amesbury I'm afraid we don't yet have history entries relating to access for Memos at this stage, although it is something we are looking at adding to the History section of the Control Panel! I've made a note that you have asked for it so we can keep you updated 🙂 I'm sorry we can't be of more help just yet! Kat Tapestry Product Support
  9. Hi, When exporting reports, you can choose to hide empty spaces if you need to; it is one of the options the export model gives you; another thing you can try is choosing a different Format from the drop down that appears when you go to export a report. The drop down gives you three options; Default, Compact and Printer Friendly. Do any of these change the way the export looks for you? You can also do what Emily suggests above and open the PDF file in Word, in order to move things around a bit. If there is a specific issue that is affecting the layout of your report exports though, do let us know and we can feed it back to the team. Thanks, Kat
  10. Hi, Thanks for getting in touch and for your suggestions; we are already in discussion about adding the Child Login to the app, so we can keep you updated on this, no problem. Regarding the option of adding titles, I can certainly put this to the team for you - we are always looking for feedback and suggestions regarding Child Login and how to make it easier/more usable for children and staff. Leave it with us! Best wishes, Kat
  11. No problem at all Kat
  12. Hi BethB, I can certainly see how this would be useful, so I have put it to the team to see if this is something we can look into. In the meantime, if you do not need to receive notifications for all children, then you can allocate your class/a set group as Key Children and then restrict your notifications to only see things related to them; we have a guide for linking staff to Key Children here. Once you are linked to your Key Children, you can click your username in the top right, go to 'Edit Preferences' -> 'Change Notification Preferences' and then make sure this box is ticked: This won't differentiate your notifications between relatives and staff uploads, but it may help to reduce the number of notifications you receive. I hope this helps! Kat
  13. Hi, As finleysmaid kindly mentioned above, we have a few tutorials that can help you with adding and activating parents I have linked them for you below: Adding relatives individually Creating a CSV file (spreadsheet) for adding relatives Adding relatives in bulk via CSV (spreadsheet) file Linking relatives to children As you can see, you can choose to add them individually, or if you want to add them in bulk you can use a .csv file (which can be created in Excel); tutorial 2 goes over what this .csv should look like. Once the relatives are added and activated (tutorial 1 covers activation), it will just be a case of linking them to their respective children. I hope this helps! Best wishes, Kat
  14. Hi Mya, The iPod Touch will certainly support our iOS Tapestry app, as the app is currently usable on Apple devices that are running iOS 9 or later From what we've heard from other customers using this device, the pros and cons seem to be the following: Pros The device is pocket sized, so is less conspicuous and easy to transport around a setting Just like other iOS devices, it runs apps like Safari and other browsers, so if you need to access the browser version of Tapestry you can do Works similarly to a phone device, so is more compact and may be more comfortable for users Cons Doesn't have cellular connectivity - this may not be a huge problem if your previous devices weren't using a data network either, but this can be useful if you experience problems with your setting's WiFi Smaller screens and keyboards - visibility and typing are slightly more difficult because of the small size, which might make viewing summative assessments and tracking screens a bit trickier on the browser version if you are only using these devices Depending on what model of iPod Touch you get will depend on what it can access; older, cheaper models may not have all the capabilities you need, so it is worth checking carefully to make sure the model you want to go with has the access you want (such as email etc.) From what we've heard, the iPod Touch does seem to work well for several other settings, but it really is down to your personal preference as to whether you think it will be better than using a larger device. I hope this helps! Best wishes, Kat
  15. This tutorial is for if you have already created a group login page, but when a child goes to log in, they either can't see the whole group login page, or just can't see themselves on it. There are a few things that it might be caused by so I'll go through each of those and how to fix them in turn. If you're looking for how to turn on the Child Login feature, take a look at our 'Enabling the Child Login feature' tutorial. To skip to a specific section of this tutorial, please use the numbered links below. If the whole group login page isn't there. These potential causes and solutions are for if the child has gone to log in, but the group login page they were expecting to see isn't there at all. 1. Your Tapestry subscription has expired 2. The group login page is turned off 3. The group login page is not enabled for the device you're using (it was never set up, or has expired) (jump to) 7. None of the above If the whole group login page is there, but the child isn't in the group. These potential causes and solutions are for if the child has gone to log in, and can see their group login page, but they aren't in it. 4. The child has not been added to the group login page 5. The child's profile has been deactivated/deleted 6. The user permissions for that child are stopping them from appearing 7. None of the above 1. Your Tapestry subscription has expired If you cannot see any group login pages at all when you click on 'Child login', or you can see some, but they are for children from a separate Tapestry account (this might happen if you have different accounts for different year groups and multiple year groups share the computer you're using), your account might have expired. To check that, try to log in to the Tapestry account yourself. If you are unable to and you see a message saying your account is not currently active then the most likely cause is that your subscription has expired. As soon as your invoice is paid, the Child Login feature will reappear. if you have any questions about your subscription, please direct them to customer.service@eyfs.info. If you are able to log in though, that isn't the problem so go to potential cause number 2! 2. The group login page is turned off The group login page will need to be active before the children can see it. To check whether it is, and to turn it on if it's not, log in as either a manager, the staff member who created the group, or a staff member who is allowed to see and manage login pages created by someone else. Then go to to the 'Child Login' tab (1) and find the group login in the list. If you didn't create the group login page yourself you might need to click on (2) 'Show class or group login pages set up by your colleagues'. Once you have found the group login page that you want the children to use to log in with, look for a button to the right of it saying either 'Turn On' or 'Turn Off' (3). If it says 'Turn On', then you should click on that because it will make the group login page active for the children to use. That should solve the problem, but if that's already turned on, or the login page still doesn't appear, move onto number 3. 3. The group login page is not enabled for the device you're using This step is for 2 cases, but I've combined them into this one section because the solution is the same. - If the group of children have never logged in on the device in question then it may be that the group login page was never added to that tablet/computer. - If they have logged in before, but the cookies have been cleared, they're using a different profile, they're using a different browser, or they haven't used it for more than 6 months, then the connection to the login page will have expired. This is especially likely to be the case if the children are using another device that does display the specific group login page that you're after. If you're with a whole class of children and need to get them on asap, then the quickest thing to do is log in as a staff member (again you'll have to be a manager, the staff member who created the account, or a staff member who has access to the group login pages created by other staff), go to the 'Child Login' tab (1), and find the group login page you want by looking in your list/the list of all group login pages (2). Then press 'Add this login page to another computer' (3). On that page you will see the option to enable the login page for the computer you are working on, or you can choose to set it up for others. If the computer you are working on has already been activated for that group to use, it will say 'Enabled' next to it (1). If not, but you want the children to use the computer you're logged in from, click 'This computer' (2). That will enable it immediately. Alternatively, if you want to get the group login page onto another computer, click 'Other school computers (3). Now you have a choice. You can enable the group login page via a QR code, via a very long web address (so long that you'll want to send a copy of it to the computer you want to enable so it can be copied and pasted), or via some 'magic words'. You can read about all three options in detail in our tutorial for enabling the same group login page on other computers but if you're in a bit of a rush, I'd recommend that you go for the third option - the magic words. Clicking on that will take you to a page with instructions re what the children need to do (they have to say they're at school, then click on the button about magic words) and the magic words you need to give them. Once they have typed those in, the group login page will appear, and they'll be able to sign in! If that doesn't work either though, and you've already looked at step 2, you'll need to get in touch with us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info (step 7 for this tutorial). These next steps are for if the whole group login page is there, but a specific child isn't appearing in the group. 4. The child has not been added to the group login page The most likely cause behind a child not appearing in their group login page, is that they haven't been added to it. If they were there at some point, it might be that the group has changed seemingly by itself. That can be caused by a couple of things - the group (in Manage Groups) changing, or the user permissions of the staff 'owner' of the group login page changing. In order to fix it though, you need to log in yourself (provided you're a manager, the staff member who created the account, or a staff member who has access to the group login pages created by other staff), go to the 'Child Login' tab (1), and find the group login page you want by looking in your list/the list of all group login pages (2). Then press 'Manage' (3). Scroll down the page it takes you to until you can see the children. Double check the child in question isn't there, then, if they're not, press 'Edit'. On this next page scroll down and you'll be able to see whether the group login page is for all the children in the group (1), or just some (2). If option 1, leave this page and go and edit the group itself from Manage Groups (you'll need to ask a manager to do that if you're not one). See this tutorial for more details. If you can see just some of the group have been selected (1), you will be able to tick any children not already selected (2) but who are part of the group (the one you can see in Manage Groups). If the child doesn't appear in that list, then go and add them to the group first of all as above by following this tutorial. If you can't see the child on your account anywhere though, move onto step 5. 5. The child's profile has been deactivated/deleted A less likely, but still possible explanation is that the child's profile has been deactivated or deleted. You'll need to be a manager to fix this one too because it involves going to the Manage Children section in the Control Panel (1 then 2). Make sure you're looking for all children (1) then search for the child in question by typing in their name into the search bar (2). If they have the status 'Inactive' or 'Awaiting Deletion' (3) then you'll need to make them active again by clicking the cog next to their name (4) and selecting to make them active (5). It is worth thinking about whether they were purposely deactivated/deleted before you do this though (e.g. have their parents said they don't want them to have a Tapestry profile). If the child is already active, move onto step 6. If they aren't there at all though, move onto step 7 and contact us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info. 6. The user permissions for that child are stopping them from appearing The last possibility is that the child is not allowed to log in. In order to check and fix this, a manager needs to go to the Control Panel (1), User Permissions (2), then in the section within that for the children's permissions (3), they need to open the 'Logging in at school and at home' section (4) and check that the child in question hasn't been individually set to not be able to log in (5). If this is the problem, you should make sure that wasn't done for a specific reason. If it was just a mistake or no longer relevant, you can permit the child to log in again by clicking on the edit button (1) and changing their individual permission (2). Once you've saved that change, the child should reappear in the list of children able to log in. 7. None of the above If none of the solutions above work, then it's possibly a bigger issue. Email us on customer.service@eyfs.info with details and we'll investigate. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
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