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Everything posted by Rebecca

  1. I’ve got a kitchen timer that is set every hour to let us know it’s time to do the cleaning round. Works well.
  2. We’ve been hourly cleaning handles, switches, and frequently touched surfaces- which is a job in itself! This was as per the cleaning guidance
  3. Same! We've changed our rooms from being 'zones' (role play , messy, tables etc (children using just get what they want and take it to the room they want it in). Each room is now like a self-contained 'mini nursery'. Normally we have 3 groups 'babies' toddlers' 'preschool' - now I've got 6 Nappies/don't walk or talk - group of 3 Nappies/walking and talking - group of 3 Nappies/potty training - group of 4 (need room nearest toilets) Not nappies but not preschool - group of 6 Preschool - not school this year - group of 8 Going to school - group of 8 The groups will have their own room. They will stay together all day. I've cut our garden into 4 sections so that 4 can be out all the time 2 groups inside. Rooms and toys will be deep cleaned daily (as now) and 'reset' for the next day. Each group will have 1.5 staff ( so that staff can cover breaks). That's the only thing I can't keep the same as the staff shifts don't allow for one person all day. I'm looking at one person all morning and one all afternoon maybe - that's my job for this week!
  4. If food is coming from home, could you put the child's lunch box beside their plate and let them 'decant' it onto their plate - then you can clean the table and the plates etc afterwards?
  5. We have too many children of key workers who have been with us throughout the lockdown period and they do long days. I think if they're spread out it's all ok. I've got enough space to seat them in their groups - I appreciate I'm lucky. I've cut our capacity though from 63 down to 34 ish
  6. We antibac lunchboxes as they come in, store them and wear gloves when we take things out
  7. Here's the letter I've sent to parents: letter to parents.docx
  8. Still me - posted as the wrong type of 'Rebecca' hopefully Jules and Ben will sort it for me! Was that any help zigzag?
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