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    Nursery practitioner

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  1. I would love there to be a way to "pin" observations so that they remain at the top of the list when parents log in. We still use obs to do parent notices (we're just used to doing it this way so I don't fancy changing to memo's). For example, I sent out an observation to all parents asking them to complete our online questionnaire, but I know that this will get forgotten about once other observations get posted out since. Just a thought!
  2. Yes please this would be great :)
  3. I would love this please :)
  4. Hi Olaya Ok thank you, that is a shame I can't tailor it to specific observations! Thanks
  5. Is there a way to disable comments on an observation at all? Or approve comments first? We have been sending out group observations regarding Covid and some parents have begun to use it almost like a Facebook post and I am not keen on their comments being viewed by all to see. Thank you
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