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Everything posted by littlerainbows

  1. Hi everyone, Recently at our setting i have been noticing that staff are using their ipads more and more and engaging with the children less. I have spoken with start surrounding this and they assure me that they are using Tapestry. I have turned on screen monitoring on all our ipads to get an idea of the time that staff are spending on their ipads. for instance, i had a member of staff start at 8.50 and by 12.15 they had used their ipad for 2hours 4minutes. To me this seems an extremely long time to be on an ipad in such a short time. I would expect staff to be on ipads for no more than 1hour 30 minutes per day (7hours 30minute work day) Has anyone else found that certain staff spend quite long on ipads and if so how have you dealt with this, do you set a certain amount of time staff can be on their ipads or something different? Any thoughts or opinions would be good. I do have a staff meeting arranged with staff for tomorrow evening so i intend to bring it up then.
  2. Public Sector Procurement in England, Wales, Scotland and NI | YPO YPO may have some in stock.
  3. Its a very good topic to discuss. We are currently in talks with the reception class teachers at the school on site. We would much rather produce a document that has useful information on rather than lengthy statements that the teachers wont read. Does anyone know if it is mandatory to complete these LA transition documents? Would Ofsted have something to say if they weren't completed?
  4. So for the last year we have been using our forest school more and more since it is much safer to be outside with the children currently. The children are loving using our amazing forest on site however as with everything it needs some TLC. We are a local nursery for 2-4 year old's and from what i can see there isn't really any funding out there for Nurseries. A teacher in school pointed me towards https://www.ltl.org.uk/nature-grant/ however this is only for ages 5+ and for schools. Does anyone know of anywhere that is offering grants or resources for nurseries?
  5. I know on Wednesday they had the debate in Parliament around the reason EY are staying open. Within that discussion it was said that they would publish the evidence that EY aren't a high contributor regarding Covid, therefore showing we are "safe" to be open. Does anyone know if they have finally published this evidence? I did have a google but couldn't find anything recent.
  6. So like most of you we are starting to encounter some things that are unclear. We currently have a member of staff who is self isolating due to their child having symptoms (child does not attend our setting). They are currently waiting for test results. - if the test results come back positive, exactly when should we notify Public Health England. It states you should only notify if a member of staff or children from your setting has received a positive test. However, does this mean we have to wait for the test results of the member of staff or do we have to notify even if its only the member of staffs child. The reason i ask is that if it is only when the test results come back positive for the member of staff then this could in theory be another 3 days, putting more staff and children at risk. I feel i would rather inform them as soon as possible to help control the spread but equally don't want to cause concern and panic before we need to. Thoughts on this topic?
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