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Everything posted by nomski100

  1. So there we have it.... Nurseries to re-open on 1st June and childminders to open on 17th May. Full 50 page document🤔 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/884171/FINAL_6.6637_CO_HMG_C19_Recovery_FINAL_110520_v2_WEB__1_.pdf
  2. So Boris didn’t mention nurseries or childminders🤔 but reception, year 1 and 6 might go back in June. But more info to come today....
  3. Someone must have some ‘inside’ information🤔.......Are we re-opening on the 1st June?
  4. There is lots of talk around when School's will re-open and there is a possibility that we will find out next week. "Primary schools in England could be allowed to reopen as soon as June 1 under possible plans being discussed by Boris Johnson. The Prime Minister will unveil the government's "roadmap" out of the coronavirus lockdown over the next week. It is not expected to set out firm dates, but part of that plan is the "phased" reopening of schools - where ministers confirm some pupils will be sent back first, with others kept home for longer. Mr Johnson appears to have confirmed primary pupils could be the first to return. The risk from Covid-19 is thought to be the lowest in the youngest children. Head teachers have previously said the earliest schools could reopen would be June, but only with proper notice. Reports now suggest the PM intends to put primary schools on notice as soon as this week - as long as infection rates continue to fall" So where do we stand here as they are not talking about nurseries? It states that the risk from Covid-19 is lower in younger children. Does this mean we will be asked to re-open soon? I know that we need to get back to work and the children need to get back to nursery but there would be no chance of me being able to social distance 45 two to four year olds!!
  5. On BB1 breakfast this morning: Purnima Tanuku OBE from Chief executive National day nurseries association Dr Sue Poole Founder, Monkton Nursery School Thank you for Highlighting the issues with nurseries. CA072340-9BC1-4E64-AAF1-D7EBAAFCEE9F.MOV
  6. I can see where this is going...... they are going to try to keep the term time only nurseries open through the summer holidays..... without us getting extra funding🤔..... I feel it in my bones💆🏼‍♀️
  7. They can ‘force us’ to stay open, re-open and stay open for longer🤔 seriously!!!
  8. I never saw these! Interesting read and making me re-look at my working outs again! I am sure my accountant is wrong now🤔.
  9. “Any setting which sees their early entitlement funding reduced in order to fund childcare places elsewhere will be able to increase the proportion of their salary bill eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in line with the Department’s guidance on access to the scheme.”🤔
  10. Excuse me whilst I take a dip in my swimming pool and then my masseur will be giving me a massage whilst my cook cooks my dinner😂
  11. Updated 21st April and renamed🤔 Actions for early years and childcare providers. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures#early-years-foundation-stage They want us to take out loans instead of claiming furlough😬 ‘We expect that all relevant organisations should first consider any potential options to reduce their operating cost and secure commercial loans (including CBILS, CLBILS and CCFF outlined above) before seeking to access grant paying schemes like the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme or seeking specific support from the Department for Education (DfE)’
  12. I worked out your as £2000😬 wages £10000 80% of this is £8000 then 25% of that is £2000. So your total back from furlough is £2000🤔........ I could be wrong😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
  13. My accountant worked it out as: Add your funded payment with you fee paying amount together from end Feb. then work out what percent is the fee paying amount from the two added together. For example £21000 + £4300 =£25300 so the £ 4300 is 17% (well it’s 16.99%) Now you need to add up all your furloughed staff wages up and work out 80% of that figure. Now with that figure work out 17% of it...... and that’s what furlough you will get back. Every time you apply( for example every month) you can not change you paying families fees, you have to use February but you can change the amount you get for funding into the portal. I am not saying this is correct but that’s what we submitted.
  14. It would make sense if the government paid up to what we lost from paying families, so allowing us to furlough staff up to that amount. That is what I thought when they made the changes on Friday... but that is not the case😒
  15. Another issue for term time nurseries is when we get to July and close for summer we have no funding coming in or paying customers but need to pay staff..... does this mean no furlough grant🤔or the opposite and we will get full 80%. ( I’m over thinking and possibly wishing😬)
  16. My accountant has just dropped a spread sheet to me of accounts... and it is not good! Basically my staff wages are £9000 and after his calculation we will only get back £430 in total from furlough grant for March salaries( due to staff working until 20/3) so that’s 11 days! What this means is next month we will get around £1300 furlough grant and not £7200 what I thought!!! My paying families bring in around £4000 month.... ( told parents didn’t need to pay whilst closed) so my company will be at a lose of £2700 per month..😮😢 and even more if we can’t claim any more furlough after June as I close in July for summer and still have wages to pay. Unfortunately all my staff signed a contract to say I was furloughing them on 90% wages until end of May at which point I will review. So can’t lay people off! What a mess!
  17. If we receive our full funding for 2 and 3 year olds and them receive back the amount we have lost from paying families via the furlough then we haven’t gained and haven’t lost? ( if we only pay 80% pay to staff on furlough) if someone is able to work out an example that would be great: If a setting receives £15000 funding a month and £5000 from paying customers then does this mean we can claim up to £5000 for furloughing staff or only 80% of furloughing staff ( £4000) if this is the case then the nursery would be at a lose of £1000 per month? So we would need to un- furlough some staff but have no work for them to do! 🤔
  18. I have read this and in total disbelief!
  19. Received an email today stating that we can not claim 80% of staff wages by fourloughing them and at the same time receive funding!! This is a serious issue for all of us as the government has changed what they original said. “where it is not clear if a staff is funded through 'free entitlement' funding or private income then "an early years provider can access the Job Retention Scheme to cover up to the proportion of its paybill which could be considered to have been paid for from that provider’s private income". For example, if a provider receives 40% of its income from government funding, and 60% from other income, the provider can only claim Job Retention Scheme support for up to 60% of their paybill. The guidances states that "this would be done by furloughing staff whose usual salary / combined salaries come to no greater than 60% of the provider’s total paybill". This calculation would be based on the setting's February 2020 income” read it here: https://www.eyalliance.org.uk/coronavirus-government-u-turn-financial-support-providers-risks-childcare-closures-alliance-warns
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