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starsdance last won the day on April 7 2019

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About starsdance

  • Birthday December 26

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  • Your interest in Foundation Stage education
    Nursery practitioner

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  1. How is everyone doing? My LA have finally confirmed that they will be paying the funding for the children who are not coming for the time being. One of mine is not coming back but going to her childminder for a while until the situation changes and another is not coming back because granny is seriously ill with cancer and mum wants to see her dad but feels she can't if the girls are at school (one with me and one at primary). I will be putting together packs for these children to do at home which I can do as I'm only a small setting with 2 funded children not coming back and 4 members of staff. I have been very lucky that my staff can come back, they all have children at secondary school (home) with one having a primary school child who has gone back and seems to be doing well. I can't believe how many of my children have come back especially the 25% whose parents are not working. I think they have all been lulled into a false sense of security when they hear that children do not seem to be, either, getting it or suffering with it. I think the figures are so low because parents would probably rather keep their children at home for 14 (or 10) days rather than having a test for them. If I could keep them at home I think I would rather than taking them for a test - especially when the nearest testing centres to here were miles away. I waver on a daily basis between thinking we should be there to WTAF are we doing being open. The school next door has 150/300 pupils in compared to about 25 during the first lockdown. Therefore my parents who have children at both are able to have the day child free to work (play) at home. I keep dropping subtle hints that by being there looking after their children I am not seeing my mum or sister (who is disabled) just in case their snotty child who is still coming in is a carrier. Anyway, off to work I go with a smile on my face - which the parents can't see as it's behind a mask
  2. Give it time 😂
  3. I heard this and popped it on my to-do list to look at next week. Did you also notice on the guidance sent through it didn't say what the temperature was just a high temperature? Back to sunbathing for the next two days and trying to not think about work.
  4. I've been told no sand, play dough, mud or water by my LA advisor. I agree with the first three but will have water outside with bubbles. If anyone sneezes in it it can be tipped out, cleaned and refilled. We are planning on being outside for as much of the day that's possible. Going in next week to get it all sorted out and building a new indoor climbing frame that was delivered two days after shutdown.
  5. I can't work out whether we are to open to all children or to have reduced sizes like the primary schools are being advised. Not going to matter much if they are expecting all years back before the end of term anyway.
  6. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/our-plan-to-rebuild-the-uk-governments-covid-19-recovery-strategy sorry did it the wrong way round try this
  7. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/884171/FINAL_6.6637_CO_HMG_C19_Recovery_FINAL_110520_v2_WEB__1_.pdf found it - hope it works
  8. Just mentioned pre-schools and nurseries as reopening on 1st June. BBC news channel have got a copy of the guidelines - I can't find it.....
  9. I used to put a couple of sprays of anti bac into the water with bubbles for the children to play in and this was quite recent!
  10. My problem is I have two staff whose children are not in the classes going back and are wanting to bring them to work! I've said IF we open (we closed as had no keyworker children) they can't bring them in and would have to send them to school as surely they would be classed as keyworkers themselves. They don't like this idea but with maybe having to restrict the amount of children in (to start with) by having two 'other' children in would mean a couple of ours wouldn't be able to come back. I'm going round in circles to see how we can work it all out and am feverishly (not over 37.8°C ) awaiting further clarification........ I have heard it will be out around 2pm but what's the betting anything relating to us will come out in the small hours!!
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