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Everything posted by playgroup1

  1. We ordered some cotton shopping type bags from Amazon quite cheaply and just named and decorated them with Sharpies. We have made over 30 over a couple of years, mostly containing a book and a linked Orchard game, a laminated rhyme sheet, small world toys - anything we had going spare really. We didn't use our best books and the games were either duplicates or from charity shops. You can see some of them here https://www.townstreetplaygroup.org/supporting-your-childs-learning/home-learning/ They were all stored away because of Covid but we are planning to bring them back for parents to borrow soon Parents generally take care of them but we do tell tham that they are there to be borrowed and used.
  2. Had a zoom meeting with LA on Friday. They were still saying "Wherever possible children should only attend one setting" but that settings would need to do a risk assessment if parents wanted different and have conversations with childminders. I suppose its about knowing what the childminders are doing with the children, e.g. lots of mixing with other childminders and children, lots of school pickups, after school children, number of children they are looking after. More of a problem if children are in school nurseries/ other daycare settings where they are mixing with more children.
  3. Thanks Louby Loo. Sounds like what I was thinking of doing. I am cautious of it becoming an "official" playgroup event in case there is any comeback. Our local community has a very active Facebook group which has lots of people with opinions!
  4. Hi We are thinking of doing something similar. We aren't re-opening until September but know how much parents are "grieving" for the end of term picnic and Leavers' ceremony we usually hold. Just don't want to end up with something that means too many people get together - not sure of the rules for gatherings of people outdoors. Just wondered how you were planning your drop in session?
  5. We are planning to be already set up 2 weeks before the start of term and then invite new starters in a couple at a time, socially distancing with parents, to have a little visit and meet their key person, but explaining that it might not be a straight away start. Also hoping to settle back some small groups of returners in this time before starting back at the start of term. Staff will have to be prepared to work in the holiday but then they have been on full pay since March.
  6. Here is a link to some up to date training around Infection Control and Covid19 https://makingworksafe.minifirstaid.co.uk The company is run by one of our parents and is long established and reputable. becoming covid-secure (or infection control) As infection from COVID-19 continues to pose a risk in the UK, all workplaces are responsible for making sure they have taken the correct measures to reduce this risk of infection. Using the most up to date government and public health advice, Mini First Aid has created a range of accredited short courses to help you and your business minimise the risk of spreading infection. We want to help you reassure your employees and customers that you know exactly what to do to keep both children and adults safe. As well as downloadable certificates for all courses on completion, with our Infection Control course you will receive a downloadable COVID-secure website logo, window sticker & door display sign.
  7. I've never been a fan of tabards but looking to buy some now, simply so staff will have their own pen, ipad, hand sanitiser, tissues to hand rather than swapping around.
  8. I decided not to re open before September> it would have meant compelling staff to find care for their children that they weren't happy with. Have spent two days phoning all parents to explain decidion and to catch up and they were all supportive and quite glad the decision had been made for them. Deputy told me that this was the first time in a while that she had slept and didn't have a panicky feeling! Me too I suppose, when I think about it. Trying not to transfer that panic to thinking about September.
  9. Thanks so much for taking the time to post this. Sounds like we're thinking along the same lines although give it another half an hour and I'll be all for staying closed!
  10. I' ve looked through the guidance about Implementing Protective Measures and have started to build up a picture of what playgroup would "look like" if we followed all this and I'm not sure parents would really want their child to be there - small groups kept together with same adults, no mixing in a big group or with other groups or adults, remove soft furnishings, soft toys, toys that are hard to clean (small parts), all unnecessary items from rooms, nothing brought in from home or taken home and the chance that if anyone seems to have any symptoms, they will be sent home to self isolate for 7 days and their family for 14 days unless they can be tested. And this is all for just six weeks at playgroup. I'm not sure any of this is a nurturing, PSED supporting, good quality learning environment for young children - just a babysitting service! And don't get me started on Boris Johnson calling our children "kids". Sorry pet hate!
  11. I have just emailed LA to see whether they will pay FEEE to settings that don't open in June? Has anybody heard anything about this from their LA's?
  12. Usually, new starters are the ones paying the full fees from September so if they can't start we will lose that income. Relying only on the funded older children will impact on our finances.
  13. How will staffing be affected by their children not being back at school, or by them not relying on grandparents, family, neighbours to cover when their child can't attend school or for school pickups and drop offs? The difficulties to overcome just seem to be popping into my head all the time. I'm really considering holding off until September even if they take the funding back. Any one else considering that?
  14. I went on the HMRC webchat but not with too much hope as I tried before and they weren't able to help and just told me to phone. But this time, the man seemed to genuinely wanted to help. He said that they were all still trying to work there way through the system and that no one really knew how to deal with the particular situatioin with nurseries. Anyway after lots of questions back and forward and him going off to ask someone else, he said he could help me put in the claim if I had all the information. So he rang me back even though the phone lines had closed by this time. I talked him through my calculations: "My income doesn't change from week to week only term to term when some children change their hours or move onto FEEE so I have been able to look at Spring Term (which includes February) and see what income comes from each child for that week. I have worked out that from total income, 27.3% comes from parent paid fees and the remainder in funding so I think I can claim 27.3 % of my staffing costs back." I worked out how much that worked out to each week: First 80% of staff costs was ? and then 27% of that was the amount to claim. He took this figure and said he would make it work so that was the amount I would be claiming. He worked out how much that was for the period up to 7th May, added in the pension contributions I make for one member of staff and told me what the total amount for the claim was. He then took the details of all staff (only 5), names and NI numbers and gave me a claim number. What he actually did I don't know though but I should be able to see the claim when I log into the Government Gateway. He did say though that it could still be queried so I am keeping fingers crossed! I'm not sure how much help this is to you all but if I find out any more I'll post it. Just wanted to let you know that there is help out there if you can just find the right person.. It turned out he only lived just up the road from playgroup! Good luck Maybe as the days pass, they'll have more idea how to deal with our unique situation.
  15. I went on the HMRC webchat but not with too much hope as I tried before and they weren't able to help and just told me to phone. But this time, the man seemed to genuinely wanted to help. He said that they were all still trying to work there way through the system and that no one really knew how to deal with the particular situatioin with nurseries. Anyway after lots of questions back and forward and him going off to ask someone else, he said he could help me put in the claim if I had all the information. So he rang me back even though the phone lines had closed by this time.

    I talked him through my calculations:

    "My income doesn't change from week to week only term to term when some children change their hours or move onto FEEE so I have been able to look at Spring Term (which includes February) and see what income comes from each child for that week. I have worked out that from total income, 27.3% comes from parent paid fees and the remainder in funding so I think I can claim 27.3 % of my staffing costs back."

    I worked out how much that worked out to each week:

    First 80% of staff costs was ? and then 27% of that was the amount to claim. He took this figure and said he would make it work so that was the amount I would be claiming. He worked out how much that was for the period up to 7th May, added in the pension contributions I make for one member of staff and told me what the total amount for the claim was. He then took the details of all staff (only 5), names and NI numbers and gave me a claim number. What he actually did I don't know though but I should be able to see the claim when I log into the Government Gateway. He did say though that it could still be queried so I am keeping fingers crossed!

    I'm not sure how much help this is to you all but if I find out any more I'll post it.

    Just wanted to let you know that there is help out there if you can just find the right person.. It turned out he only lived just up the road from playgroup!

    Good luck Maybe as the days pass, they'll have more idea how to deal with our unique situation.

  16. I have put in a claim with the help of a fantastic man from HMRC who asked me for all the information and sorted it for me.
  17. I have put in a claim with the help of a fantastic man from HMRC who asked me for all the information and sorted it for me.
  18. I have tried to keep everything really simple but may be completely wrong but here goes. My income doesn't change from week to week only term to term when some children change their hours or move onto FEEE so I have been able to look at Spring Term (which includes February) and see what income comes from each child for that week. I have worked out that from total income, 27.3% comes from parent paid fees and the remainder in funding so I think I can claim 27.3 % of my staffing costs back. But that's only for that period as it all changes again in the Summer term when some children move onto FEEE, which is paid at a much lower rate that parents pay. Then only 15% of income comes from fees so then I can only claim 15% of staffing costs. The government guidance does say that if a provider receives additional funding, e.g. a new term and new FEEE funding, they have to reduce their claim for furloughed staff. But that's as far as Ive got because I haven't a clue if this is correct or how to transfer this into a claim for furloughed staff. I'm on the brink of not bothering!
  19. It should be time to start offering places to the new starters for September. However, a couple of existing parents of children who should be moving onto school then are talking about delaying school entry because they want them to get the preschool experience they will have missed during closure. Has anybody else heard this from their parents or had any thoughts on this to share?
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