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Everything posted by enuffsenuf

  1. Yes it is only guidance but if something happened and you had had sand out when it is specifically mentioned then you might find yourself in a position where your insurance wont pay out should there be a claim and lets face it if an insurance company can avoid paying out they will...so whilst I was intending to do as you have suggested individual sand trays etc...I have decided I wont be taking the risk..
  2. I am saying they can take a test and of its negative come back.....or if the dont get a test be off for 14 days (child 7 days others in house non symptomatic may develop later) so I am doing what i was doing before lockdown essentially unless they can give me evidence of a negative test...
  3. I have often popped shaving foam in our sand...makes it smell really nice and fresh and the children then used it like cement on bricks etc.....it used to be a classic staple......"Oh sand how I'm going to miss you.....(Excerpt from the play Sandlet), enter stage left bubble......."Alas poor sand we knew him well in early years, a fellow of infinite jest and he carried me on his back a thousand times (especially during settling in) and now how terrible this is him...It makes my stomach churn. I don't know how many times he was eaten or thrown in someones hair.......where are your pranks now? your songs?...You don't make anybody smile now!" Jillian Takesfear......sorry about that I think all this risk assessing etc has clearly turned my brain!
  4. It better not be at odd with what I spent all day yesterday writing having decided I was going it alone.......
  5. Would anyone share with me the letter they are sending to parents for them to sign before return? I haven't started mine yet but I know I want to include an update on their contact details and Im also thinking about getting them to reconfirm dr's details and child's nhs number (heaven forbid in case of ambulance need) and authority to seek medical advice....obviously no calpol, no sick children etc...but wondering what else people are popping in?
  6. Its tricky isn't it and I personally think we can have all these plans but its only when we start doing it for real that we will find out if/how it will work in practice. Hand on heart I would have preferred not to go back until Sept, but then will it be any different..I think I have a great one way system and staged drop off "plan"...but until real people (and their children) are using it I have no idea if its going to do its job or not......but then in some ways that's like childcare full stop....we plan, put our hearts and souls into our work, invest our time into making sure we deliver and yet from time to time it still all comes crashing down and we fail.
  7. Ok rightly or wrongly we have decided we are just going to run with this.....I contacted my early years advisers at the local authority yesterday and said "in the light of no official guidance are you happy for me to open 1st June so long as I have done a risk assessment and we just all use our common sense?" and they said yes....so that's what we are doing. Initially I am inviting back the school leavers (12 children) and so far about half have said a definite "yes" the others are still considering (because it is a big decision for a parent to make and I don't want anyone to rush or feel guilty). I have also said its not cast in stone if they say "yes" and change their minds that's ok and likewise if the say "no" and three weeks in decide they do want to join us then that is equally ok. Bubbles are all very well but realistically my children will not manage social distancing once they get together. I have spoken with a friend who has worked throughout in secondary school and she said even there it's a battle...so we as a team have decided that one battle we are not happening..We will operate in the garden and once the child has had their hands washed and they are brought into the garden by the staff member doing the hand washing it's going to be business as usual. Many of our families have been terrified not just about the virus but also about the thought of their little tots being sat in rectangles drawn on the floor (as they have seen in the press) or are worried that their children are going to be barked at all the time "don't do this" "don't do that" so we as a parent/staff team have all agreed rightly or wrongly...we aren't heading in that direction. We will be sensible, we will use our common sense BUT I have spent over 20 years of my life now teaching small children to share and play nicely alongside each other and for my own sanity....I and my team are not going to stop that.
  8. maybe we should all just pack up become bakers?
  9. that's really useful thank you
  10. haha yes but then in all honesty since I became a manager I seem to be "over wound" quite a lot of the time!
  11. Its a bit like "competitive home schooling" at the moment...look away dont compare yourself and just do your best and as I said above really until we know for sure what they expect of us you might just be wasting time on things you dont need to worry about......
  12. I haven't updated anything yet...I started to and then thought that if the guidance (if it ever comes) might well throw a spanner in the works and send me back to the drawing board so I'm waiting.....poised.....like a coiled spring!
  13. I contacted them again but via their facebook page and they have responded and are going to give me a call....so hopefully I shall know for certain. Public Liab yes and loss of earnings no suits me fine.
  14. thank you I have now found it. Thanks for your help
  15. cant see anything on their Morton Michael website or their facebook page....I think my brain is fried!
  16. thank you wll have a peak
  17. I'm still waiting for a reply from Morton Michel....has anyone had a definite response re insure from 1st June?
  18. I will when the blooming guidance (pardon the french) is actually available to follow...at the moment all we have is the one for schools and ours is like Christmas to follow shortly!
  19. re " I was so frustrated about not being listened to and was in tears" Alas, in my experience of early years despite my shiny degree effort in my 50's because i work with small children other professionals treat me like one and clearly forget like a child (UNCRC 1989) I do have rights, I do have agency and a viewpoint which is equally valid.
  20. I'm always a bit concerned about the term "shortly" from when I did my OU degree and a tutor cancelled a tutorial and said they would send us the tutorial notes etc "shortly" and in fact sent them 3 weeks after the TMA cut off date.....so for me shortly sometimes means," I know I have to be seen to do this but quite frankly my dear our on your own as I have more important things in life to be getting on with"...which is always comforting!
  21. the guidance for schools is out but not for early years/nursery settings...it just said will follow shortly
  22. I have recorded this for our families to explain to the children how when they come back things will be a bit different so they know its will be a little changed and are a little prepared for whats happening .....its not perfect but as I find "outside a bit strange and stressy now I guess children might find it even more so....even though they are adaptable (as are we all) its not the same and probably wont be for some considerable time
  23. that's brilliant unlike one of mine who gave notice today expressing his thoughts that it is "unfortunate" his child has not been able to attend for the last 2 months...mmmmmm
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