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Everything posted by enuffsenuf

  1. Time was when first I arrived on this site (well its predecessor actually) I was youthful, an underling and still training.....level 3,4 and OU degree and many roles, many years later I have retired! I have left on a high and am now spending more time in my garden, walking and reading! Just wanted to say thanks to all of those over the years who have helped, been a shoulder, given me guidance and shared ideas, fought battles with me and although I am hanging up my crayons I shall still be popping in here from time to time to catch up with the other oldies.
  2. It appears my super hero skill is being immune despite being in a tier 4 area with numbers rising still........once again I feel like early years is the forgotten army....never get a mention despite putting ourselves on the frontline each day
  3. my goodness you are not a whinge bag this is what this forum is for...for us to express ourselves and share our worries, thoughts and use each other as council. We might not always agree...nor want to do things the same way but we can listen and say...you can only do, cope with what you can and it is OK to express your doubts and sharing them does take some of the pressure off.....if only a teenie bit.
  4. I think you can designate children as vulnerable if you feel they are.........I now have almost half mine as "vulnerable" or as "key worker" so intend to stay open even if the doors to hell open under our building. We have spent the last eight weeks trying to pick up the pieces and rebuild damaged little people many of which have now spent a quarter of their lives living in a world where they cannot mix in large groups or even access a playground.....so I'm feeling a bit suffragette and might chain our doors open! However like you I have more trouble with the parents complying than I do with the children.
  5. oh no....I hope you get that sorted soon
  6. Well of course from Midnight the world changes once again......I have found myself very teary and grumpy this week feeling others paind as their businesses struggle and families crumple around me. I KNOW I am not alone so just wanted to say be strong chaps...we can do this again and if we all support each other again both professionally and personally we can ride this roller coaster once more and hopefully come out with just a dizzy head and scarecrow hair! BIG HUG 😝
  7. well what a week that was......I had a "significant" birthday, the children are still feral, the staff are exhausted, the parents seem to have more problems with conforming to boundaries than the children....all in all a well earned half term break....Hoorah! Time to recharge the batteries and prepare for the festive season. Biggest bain of our lives at the moment.....people emailing me "questionnaires" about what is the most stressful thing we are dealing with at the moment....."well my dears it will be all those civil servants emailing me asking what the biggest stress is at the moment"......still good news is as its Oct half term I also get to bake the Crimbo cake and that means I can open the sherry...cheers! ......ps do you think we've been working too hard? #asking for afriend!😜
  8. yeah but its a well earned hard fought half term for us ...yipee!
  9. I would really like to buy a hard copy of this so I can sit at my leisure and mull it all over...my printer has blown up (and may or may not be getting a new one tomorrow) and I HATE reading things online as my brain just doesnt take things in when they are on a screen...weird I know but that's my learning style. I can see things I like and things I'm not so keen on but as I say I havent read it all because it just scrambles my brain on the screen.
  10. Thankfully now resolved they sent the message and prompted the action in error and have rectified it. I managed to contact them via good old facebook messenger! Yeah one issue down. Thanks for the idea Sunnyday
  11. We have a free website run through BT for community groups etc which we have had for years and use regularly...today I get an email telling me they are going to archive it because we arent using it and there is no telephone number, the email return is a "no reply" addie so it just pings back and the "help tickets online system" isnt working presumably because its crashed with others in the same position.....has anyone on here got one of these btck.co.uk websites and had the same thing today? Im at my wits end.
  12. maybe in our line of work we have just done too many risk assessments and can see the flaws others miss?
  13. I can raise your PO adventure ...I too ventured in last week mask on face.....queued for ages...got to the desk to pay in two large cheques for pre-school.....being a charity needing 2 sigs we aren't allowed a card so I have to get two envelopes, they are handed to me.....I have to write sort code, acc numb etc on the envelope (I have prepared for this by bringing my own pen so I don't have to touch one others have used)......then I have to seal the envelopes.....anyone guess where this is going? Yup....I have to lick them! So I have to remove my mask, lick each envelope seal it up and then hand it to the lady behind the counter..so not only has she handed me an envelope with her hands which I have had to lick but I have then handed her back an envelope which I have not only touched but licked too.....I replace my mask, blood pressure rising and leave the premises as quickly as possible. I cant tell you if I left by the right direction or not because by now I am sweating buckets and feeling like the new world is perhaps a place not for me. If I'd been a Victorian lady of a certain class I would have gone home and lay on the couch with a touch of the vapours.
  14. sorry you wont hear a peep out of me further
  15. Well indeed tis another funky friday and we are now heading off down the slope to ye olde summer hols at a pace....It does however feel like the longest 7 weeks in history for me....I feel quite frazzled which is I expect as a result of getting used of being at home during lockdown getting older stress about you know what shhhhh secret squirrels all the blooming paperwork that they have dumped on us this half term However I am pleased we have been back and it has given us great ideas for how we will work in the autumn...when I suspect things will head downhill again with you know what shhhhh secret squirrels. The fears we had that first couple of weeks back have dissipated however we are not allowing ourselves to become complacent. I seem to go home each Friday weary but content which is a think a good thing. For those of you who are interested you might like to see the madness I was driven to during lockdown with my "Tales from the Dining Room" you tube channel (who says you can't teach an old gal new tricks?)...So hopefully you can see this.....funky friday everyone (when at pre-school we do this every friday at snacktime...https://youtu.be/Ipk55R_vdBk feel free to add your own wig and dance around the room like Pans People!
  16. good to hear you are busy xx
  17. do you know what...If I were you I would grasp the nettle go back on Monday (even if no one is there) tell your families you are open for those who want to come and sit back and wait.....like a firework there will be a slow fizzle, you will wonder if the thing is going to lift off but I bet if you go back some of your families will go back too and then its like a waterfall no holding back because to be honest things aint gonna be any better in Sept! So I would open have a plan of action plan some nice things and see....even if you are in there on your tod just cleaning at least you aren't at home feeling blue and unwanted. For example when we opened we started with 6, then 8 and now Im up to 12! Last week we are holding a mini sports day for the children (no spectators) a teddy bears picnic (because we cant have real teddies we are going to collage/paint cardboard teddies this week so each child has one) and on the last day we are blooming well having graduation! So go back tell them you are going back and see....lawks...I'm so radical in my old age its quite frightening at times!
  18. haven't read the full doc yet...think I shall save it for tomorrow......I'm bracing myself
  19. My SENCO is on long term sick leave and I suspect might not be back. Once this is confirmed we shall need to replace on a permanent basis (currently we have someone standing in for this role so have temporary cover and we have worked together to ensure our SEND children are being covered but I think I might like (if its not too expensive) to get some formal training ie CACHE lvl 3 if it's available but I am finding lots of the links mentioned in these posts and indeed on my google searches are just coming up as"page ot available" etc. Is there such a course for everyone country wide or is it just like the emperor's we get told the training is there but it isn't?
  20. ah and to think yesterday before I turned into a unicorn🦄 I broke my leg 🦵commando rolling over a wall🧱 in order to try and be clever whilst playing hide & seek...no wonder our bodies are worn out! (It isn't really broken but I told the children it was as I rolled around in pain trying to maintain decorum and not cry......next time I shall risk assess that move)
  21. hashtag change of subject....Cait I have just noticed you are ""retired" crikey I guess we've all just got to that stage....I remember the olden days when we were all mere slips of things studying and worrying about essays! I hope you are enjoying your quieter life...although I have a feeling most of us will be filling our "retirement" with as much busyness as we did our working days...I'm not there yet but definitely now planning that way
  22. yup but many of those out there being "young adults" now come from that awful spell when they couldn't do XYZ because they might get hurt🤕 and no one was allowed to say "no" to because it was negative⛔, so never learned to properly assess risk and think they are immortal👼....if they'd skinned a few knees, touched a hot Rad. etc they might be better at knowing the consequences💀.
  23. tis true
  24. congrats on the Pension I too start to take my old bank pension in Oct...however I have a few more years on that never ending piece of elastic currently being rolled out to "old gals" of my age as to when I can actually take my OAP. Re beach scenes....I think understandable? If we holed up a group of littlies in a play pen for weeks on end and then let them loose...Child A (types) will go bananas because they're free and just run rampant trashing everything, racing round and have forgotten how to play nicely and Child B (types) will think "aha I wonder when I might get locked up again so I may as well play out while I can" because its happened once and I'm sure it might happen again and then in the corner there will be that ONE child (type C) who has got too scared of the world outside their playpen....its a bit big and scary out there and child A might whack me and child B is a bit loud so I'll stay in here where its safe doing nothing thank you very much. We see all of this happening now in the BIG world.....Early years really is just a microcosm of the whole world....it completely predicts human behaviour. As for me I'm now ticking off the squares on the calendar .....15 days and counting....I just hope the beach is still there when I finally get to go!
  25. even more so after yesterday when for the fourth time in four weeks we have to give our "attendance" figures to the powers that be in yet another changed format.....😱
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