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Everything posted by lynned55

  1. Ha, ha!! That's exactly what I did- stayed to settle my youngest, looked after an SEN child, did them a favour and stepped down from committee sec to playgroup assistant (just as a temp measure) and the rest is history- rather a lot of favours as it turned out (over 25 years)
  2. Oh- I am so glad you said that!! It's dreadful- I notice Boris Johnson using it a lot as well. Is t to make them appear trendy?
  3. We got an email from EYA yesterday. However when I tried to register (and after completing all the stuff they wanted) it took me to a page that said 'this page is not working" So didnt bother again.
  4. So did I! However- I'm really not sure if I understood it correctly and I had thought they were basing their figures on Autumn 19 numbers?? However if we are reading it right, I do think that any LA that does NOT pass on this extra funding deserves to be named and shamed big time!
  5. Many (many) years ago- we wore them. Until the umpteenth parent said we looked like Mike Baldwins factory girls (remember Janice Battersby in one?) well ours unfortunately were the same colour. So we quickly got rid!😃we do have those black aprons with the big pockets, that I find invaluable for pens, post it notes, rubber gloves, phone, broken toy and anything I have taken off the children that they shouldn't have!
  6. That's so lovely to hear- I must admit I dont think I have ever been so worried and stressed over this whole thing- and I'm not a person that gets stressed easily. But the planning and organising of everything! Not to mention the awkwardness of some staff who seemed to think that furlough was an ongoing thing!! We only had 14 out of 38 children return- but they've been a delight and after nearly 3 months off- it is a good way to break us in gently before the Autumn term. When I sincerely hope bubbles are abolished- I dislike that word intensely. 😃😃
  7. We have a folder of policies in our foyer and name them all in our welcome pack. I have only once in xxx years seen anyone look at it- even our last ofsted inspector wasn't particularly bothered. There's too many for parents to read- I know I wouldn't if I was a parent- you'd never take it all in. Even I occasionally think- must put that in our so and so policy and then find it's already there!
  8. lynned55


    We have 3 groups of children (wish so much it was only two and life would have been SO much easier if it had been) like you we are using just the one set of toilets and oh my goodness, how may times a day we are cleaning them!! Really- i's ridiculous- none of the children ever seem to want to go together, or even two from the same group. It's always one from one group- toilets get cleaned then someone from another group, toilets get cleaned, then someone from the first group and so on- drives us batty. That's of no help to you at all, is it! Sorry more agreeing with you really. I'm also thinking this cleaning is going to have to continue in Sept- more so if we're not working in bubbles, isn't it?
  9. I have someone from our EY's team plaguing me as well every week. I told them last week our numbers and opening hours and said this will not change now until the end of term. But I've just noticed an email was sent yesterday instead of a phone call! Love your poem- I think it must sum up the feelings of most of us!
  10. Ours said loss of 50% or more and shut almost as soon as the page opened. They did say that only around 1% of applications would be successful
  11. OMG!! I would be so angry at that- Have you spoken to them about it
  12. That's good news then about the furlough- our holiday pay is added to each month as well. Are you saying that if for e.g our % was 22% before then use that again? I have 3 staff that were furloughed so will be able to do one- also one of my staff normally works 5 mornings and 1 afternoon but at present is only working 3 mornings- so I think I could probably claim for her in July (I think 1st July is when furloughed staff can work part time) I had a look at our LA's Discretionary grant but to qualify you had to have lost 50% of your income and we didn't. So no, we couldn't
  13. I have thought about it, could we put them on furlough and claim the full % whatever it will be, as we have no income? However they aren't actually working are they? So I'm thinking that would be classed as holiday? Here we go again, round & round in circles!!
  14. Hello, sorry I dont know what advice to give- I'm in a preschool and we have 13 children in each day at present. However we have split them into 3 bubbles (should only be 2 really but we thought we had more) and we dont make them socially distance from each other in their bubbles or from the staff that are in it, at 3/4 years old they're just too young. I'm not sure how you would manage with a whole class of 30 in to keep them apart. If we are still having to work in bubbles in Sept (and I sincerely hope we aren't!) then we will have to reduce our numbers and probably staff. We are now just waiting for guidance which will hopefully give us some idea of what we can do.
  15. I think I must be the Meanie Manager- I said if you want to wear plastic aprons and gloves all day- fine but make sure you wash the gloves as much as those of us who aren't and absolutely no masks- unless you are changing nappies and then it's up to you. I feel quite strongly that there are very few occasions when the wearing of masks are needed with small children and normal day to day care is not one of them. I have got them & face shields and I had 2 staff- one wanted to wear home made masks as she felt 'they wouldn't frighten the children' but it's not just a case of frightening them- people are so hard to understand when they are wearing masks. Another wanted to wear a face shield - but again I said no. I just said if you feel that unsafe that you feel these are needed then perhaps working in EY's isnt the place for you.
  16. lynned55


    I tend to agree with finleysmaid- I'm also wondering how we're going to get new children in the door without parents in Sept.
  17. I know exactly how you feel. The main problem I have now is when someone asks me something or I want to find the answer to something, that I know I have seen somewhere- I need to go through umpteen documents to find it!
  18. We couldn't round our way. Unless its strong bread flour- but not sure you could make playdough with that
  19. lynned55


    I think its 37.8- guidance said that (or it did) and nhs said 38. To be honest with all those symptoms being listed we dont stand a chance- they seem to be listing every symptom of everything- just about the only thing not listed is spots!!
  20. Yes it did say that anju. However I have decided enough is enough re the furlough. I must be really stupid as I still cant work out what I'm doing. We are paid on 6th of each month (in lieu) So what we get paid on 6th June would be (normally) what was worked in May- well as from 1st June my staff are all coming off furlough. A long time ago I spoke to a tax advisor about something and mentioned the above (about salaries) and he sad HMRC dont care when you earnt it- the only care when you were paid it. So I tied myself in knots trying to work out if I could claim for June salaries- in the end decided against it. Also not sure how long to work funding over 3 months? April, May, June? or May, June, July? See, I think it's sending me slowly doolally!! That and the two members of staff that seem to think they should be staying home and doing nothing for a full salary. I dont really need all staff back but like someone else has said couldn't work out how to do it so as not to cause bad feeling. I really think- some people thought they were set up for a nice holiday until September on a full wage. Then got a shock when I contacted them. Mousie- and everyone else that is opening up on Monday, hope it goes well for you. Let us know how you get on. We only have staff in next week and are opening to children on 8th.
  21. How lovely to hear some good news Sunnyday. Re opening We have 23 (out of 38) going to school in September, we offerred to just those first We are opening on 8th June with 15 children of which only 8 who were starting school in September wanted to come back. I was surprised at that.
  22. I cannot see the point in that. They are only saying to test if symptoms- if you test before symptomatic then that is when he said you could get a false negative. Besides are you going to test everyone (children inc EVERY day)
  23. The only thing about saying (which my staff have already said to me!) its only guidance is- Our inurance is saying as long as you are following the guidance you are insured. It is a great shame though.
  24. It's no different to what we had already done- but my goodness me- BJ has mentioned us 2 days in a row!
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