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Everything posted by GeorginaW

  1. The Reflective Learning Process Identify a situation you encountered in your work or personal life that you believe could have been dealt with more effectively. Describe the experience What happened? When and where did the situation occur? Any other thoughts you have about the situation? Reflection How did you behave? What thoughts did you have? How did it make you feel? Were there other factors that influenced the situation? What have you learned from the experience? Theorizing How did the experience match with your preconceived ideas, i.e. was the outcome expected or unexpected? How does it relate to any formal theories that you know? What behaviours do you think might have changed the outcome? Experimentation Is there anything you could do or say now to change the outcome? What action(s) can you take to change similar reactions in the future? What behaviours might you try out? looking at this theory from skillsyouneed.com, 2023 I have found it useful when breaking down exactly what I need to do for an effective reflection on my development. it is very important to be your own critic and it is okay to critique things that you thought didn’t go well or things you could do better next time. I also think that ‘experimentation’ is a great tool to then establish what works and what doesn’t during your practice. I will be using these prompts in the future when reflecting on my practice
  2. I have had a look at the link provided and had a read through of the importance of reflection and ways in which to do this effectively ‘The process of Reflection, the doing part, can be broken down into four key areas (Colwell et al., 2020): · Reviewing relevant, existing research and materials · Gathering new evidence · Data analysis · Evaluation and Reflection’ i thought that this was very useful information and a bit of a guidance to effective reflection. I think it is important to review existing research and materials to determine what needs improving and what exactly needs to be adjusted to contribute towards good practice.
  3. Hi there. I am currently studying my level 3 in childcare and I am wanting to discuss the importance of reflection for CPD. I believe it is extremely important in order to maintain high standards of teaching and care with the children you are working with. Any other comments, please feel free to share
  4. Hi there. I am currently studying my level 3 in childcare and I am wanting to discuss the importance of reflection for CPD. I believe it is extremely important in order to maintain high standards of teaching and care with the children you are working with. Any other comments, please feel free to share
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