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vandna najran

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  1. Thanks Jules, these resources are a great start for building on reflective practice especially with regards to my interest areas such as language and speech development which I know from my NHS work is an area where there is huge demand. I will review the Beginners Guides so thank so much for sharing and get back to you and other group members who have kindly participated in this forum discussion. Thanks everyone Kindest Regards Vandna
  2. Hi Georgina well done for getting so far. I have have posted on the same topic. You can search under 'reflective practice' and my name 'Vandna Najran'. You can view the toolkit posted and links to podcasts and join the discussion if that may be helpful. Reflection is important so we can continually improve ourselves, our practice and the environment for the children to learn and develop. It helps us to continually grow as long as we act upon the identified changes required. wishing you the best Vandna
  3. Thank you Jules for posting the link to the podcast. Do you have a link to the Mandela Model please?. Also where can we access the Unique Childhoods Workbook please?. I am keen to build a library of toolkits to support best practice including any toolkits that support speech delays such as those issued by the Talk Boost project in liaison with Speech and Language UK. Thanks again and hope to hear from you again All the very best Vandna
  4. Also reflective practice can involve negative feedback and being resilient in taking that on board. This can be difficult especially if it involves changes that are difficult for the Practitioner to make. How can good supervision and staff support enable behaviour change in practitioners. I am particularly keen to hear views as changes to the environment, ideas, concepts or activities are perhaps easier to achieve than changes in practitioner behaviour. Thanks in anticipation Kindest Regards Vandna
  5. Hi all Firstly thank you so much for your kind posts and my sincere apologies in the delay in responding. I was under the impression I would receive an e-mail notification so wasn't aware of your responses which are so helpful and thoughtful. I really liked the different responses from the simple and practical toolkit which centres upon a specific group of children, the articles on reflective leadership; and the great post by Helen illustrating how everyday reflective practice improves meeting of needs. I think the toolkit is great because it helps to capture actions to mitigate any gaps in provision in line with the desired outcome. It would be great to see the feedback Stephen - thanks so much for sharing the toolkit. In terms of reflective leadership I think there is so much more to think about here in terms of 'what works' and 'what does not work'. I feel that the sector could really benefit from more research into this and support mentoring and coaching in the workplace as a result of reflective leadership. I would be keen to know if journals include features and articles on best practice please. Looking forward to your further responses and hope to bring my insights from working in the health sector in terms of cross sector learning on reflective practice. Thanks to you all again. With much appreciation Vandna
  6. We know that the capacity to reflect and take on board feedback both positive and negative in order to engage in a process of continuous learning is one of the defining characteristics of professional practice. I would love to hear from members how this practice has improved their practice and outcomes for children. Has there been discussion on this topic before as this area of exploration is part of the CACHE early years level 3 diploma? Thanks in anticipation Kind Regards Vandna
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