Agree & disagree
Observation & evidence collecting is necessary for all the reasons given. But not if it’s to the detriment of the children you are caring for.
Children first paperwork second!
NO to level 2 being counted as staffing levels.
We need highly qualified, well paid, motivated staff-not a race to the bottom.
Many European countries have been at higher levels of education for staff for a long time.
Why not in the UK?
Because childcare is not valued as a career, those who stay at home have No status & questions that ask your job still Have HOUSEWIFE as the only option for caring in the home.
And no-one bats an eyelid about this-It’s 2023 not 1943!
Its discriminating, demeaning, degrading and downright disgusting-
I am tired of justifying my career choices and status when I shouldn’t have to
We are worth Status, Pay and recognition the same as Teachers,Nurses, Carers and all the other professions who work hard-without us does society function or die?
V.Angry experienced childcare professional.