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Children's Questionnaires

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Hi. In my secondment to a local children's' centre as the outreach teacher, I'm trying to put together a questionnaire for the children to ask them about their views of the provision. We did a similar at school recently but Ive left all the paperwork there and I cant for the life of me remember the questions.


Ive considered questions alike what do you like/dislike dong, who their friends are, what you have learned, what they know or think about going to school etc, but I wanted some 'meatier' questions too. Anyone done this with their children (ages 3-4) willing to share some questions with me?



I find that questionnaire don't really cut it with kids this age unless they are able in their Speech and Language. They tend to either not understand the question, or answer what they think you want to hear. I use the Mosaic Approach with the children whereby you use a mixture of photographs etc. to get the children to express their feelings.


I recommend the book - Clark, A. and Moss, P. (2001) Listening to Young Children. The Mosaic Approach. London: National Children’s Bureau and Joseph Rowntree Foundation


Good luck x


I intended using a questionnaire as part of my MA research but my tutor has suggested interviewing the children will be more successful (which I suppose we do when using a questionnaire with young children anyway) I'm still in the process of negotiating my questions but will be happy to send them once they are finalised.

Guest Wolfie

That sounds really interesting Mundia - how much time do you spend in the Children's Centre, the designated 0.5?


Thanks puzzles for that although in my complete ignorance, I'm not familiar with the mosaic approach so I would interested to hear more.

Marion thanks for that offer yes I would be interested when you sort yourself out. Yes I hadn't quite planned to put the children under the spotlight, perhaps questionnaire was the wrong wording (nursing poorly tummy, brain not working on all cylinders). I have done it before quite successfully, when we did the EEL project years ago and also recently in school, and even though we are 100% EAL, we found the children had plenty to say and we followed up their comments using the 'questions' more as a prompt.


Wolfie, its a secondment at a children's centre and I only work the one day as that was all my school could spare me for. I like the job but find it disjointed as im not there very much. But then I have only been there 6 weeks so its still all very new to me! Id be more than happy to listen to how things are going with you more experienced people.

Guest Wolfie

Oooh, I don't know about more experienced - I've been in the job 18months and still feel that I've not really got to grips with the whole role so to speak! :o Your idea of getting the thoughts and feelings of the children sounds a really good one - I hadn't even considered it but now I am!! I'll watch thias thread with interest!

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