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Forum Down - Whoops!

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Hi all -

Apologies for any inconvenience any of you may have suffered. The forum lost its database for about ten minutes a little earlier. But I found it and dusted it down and we're all back looking shiny and newly polished!


I should take the time to let you know that on Friday or early next week (as mentioned in the recent newsletter) we'll be upgrading the FSF. We may be offline for half a day but hopefully it will be less than that! :)


Nooooooooooooo don't do that to me while I'm off!! :o Actually, Friday would be good as I'm going to be with my parents!

I may not post as often as I used to, with not being in the FS anymore but I do read.

You do fabulous work Steve.


So, we should hope there are no Balrogs lurking; Steve - Are You Prepared???? :o


Great to see another fan!



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