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cafe_sign.rtfI have put a few bits together today for our cafe snack area and garden role play. Ithought i would post them to see if anyone else could use them.

oh dear well i did have lots too add but it says i am not permitted :o


I am wondering if it is the type of file as when I open it I only get lots of letters and numbers. Sorry to be ignorant but what is an rtf file?


Ah well we live and learn. i have looked it up on Google and er well it is all Greek to me :o Actually i think I understand a little but I can't get it to open other than in gobbledegook. Could these be sent as ordinary word files as they can probably be updoaded on to the site in that format. I shall have a go at opening it after trying to put it as a word doc. but it may not want to do that on my Mac.


Well I saved it and it told me I had to save it as a rtf.rtx. file. Then i dragged it into Word and hey presto it opened and there were two scrumptious strawberry smoothies. the tex isn't quite in the correct place though. Still i have learnt somethin new today. I think i should suggest that thy re in word rather than rtf as that might be easier.

  • 1 month later...

Hello chaps. Sorry, this discussion slipped by me at the time. But there should be no problem with .rtf (rich text format) files - they're permitted attachment types.


rtf is the format used by MS Works word processors I think. It's a sort of stripped down MS Word format and these files will open in MS Word but may not display entirely correctly as Jacquie has discovered. But they should look fine in a program called Wordpad which you will all probably have on your PCs (at least all MS Windows PCs). If you're using XP, go to 'start -> programs -> accessories', and you should find Wordpad listed as a program there. Hope that helps! :o

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