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I have a query and would appreciate your comments about an incident that happened on thursday. I was informed by a member of staff that the toilet was blocked. The water was to the top of the pan and after giving it a good poke with a coat hanger decided that we needed to inform someone as it needed sorting before the bank holiday. The owner came storming into nursery and sorted the problem by putting his hand down the toilet. We were told in front of the children in a sarcastic tone that we should learn to deal with these problems on our own! We pointed out that we were unable to sort it as our changing gloves and rubber gloves were too short (Water to top of bowl).

He said we should put our hands down the loo and it was only a bit of wee and poo in there. He then went banging out again without giving us a chance to say anything. My concern was that surely this was a huge breach in heath and safety suggesting we put our hands down the toilet with no protection. Also telling the staff to do this was bad practice? The staff were all very cross and pointed out they weren't plumbers!! I am very chewed up about this and the way I was spoken to about the problems. Any ideas of what I should do about it. If I had called out a plumber then I would have been accused of money wasting. I really don't know where I stand on this issue. I would really appreciate any advice on this situation - Thanks xx


we do the same, we rent the premises is not our problem and get landlord over stick to your guns :D


Hi Bluemandie, Sorry to hear you were treated so rudely by the owner ( is this your landlord or your boss??)

His attitude was unacceptable, however you need to seperate your feelings about this from the actual incident of a blocked toilet then you may be moe able to think clearly about what can be planned for any future incidents like this.


I would ask your landlord ( in writing) to make clear his policy/procedure for such matters making it clear to you what responsibilities he has in terms of 'maintaining the setting' and also make clear to him what your staff will or will not do in terms of such maintenance. You do not have to justify why your staff will not undertake 'maintenance' work, just that they won't because it is not within their job description.


Hope you get it sorted out without it getting out of hand.




Hi Peggy - This was the owner who spoke to me like this. His wife owns the business and I get on well and respect her very much. her husband seems to pop in when he feels like it generally with a mission to hack someone off. He is the one who we spoke to about the problem. This is the same person who told me to throw away broken toys. I do this check daily anyway and threw some out. he then proceeded to rake through the skip checking I had only thrown broken things out. Hey perhaps it's just me?? Maybe they want me out - now theres a thought??


Incidents like these do need clearing up (excuse, no 'pun' intended) asap or they can escalate. What does the owners wife say about it? Can you ask her that you have clear policy and procedure on these matters as you should not be made to feel that their behaviour has alterior motives such as ousting you out.




Do you have some sort of health and safety policy or infection control policy to back you up? There is no question that you were right and he was in the wrong. In fact, he is putting his own health at risk by doing this, but I guess that is his problem. However, they have a duty to protect staff and part of this is good procedures for dealing with any bodily fluids - whether they be inside the toilet or not.


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maybe he was just having a bad day???And was this the first time it had happened??How did the loo become blocked??You can buy plungers with extra long handles, so that would help in future, if it happens regularly.However, he shouldn't speak to you like that, and I agee,he's putting his health at risk by doing 'jobs'that way.Some people genuinely don't understand the fuss about things like this..................it may be he's simply one of them?


Well you wont catch me putting my hand down a blocked toilet, and it wouldnt need some smarty pants telling me 'it's only wee and poo' either. I think I'd be aware of that.

Even sewage workers have the right protective clothing, he was silly but he shouldnt expect you to be. :o


There is no way you should have to put your hand down the toilet. I am usually successful at home by putting bleach down the toilet but I appreciate that could be difficult in a setting unless the toilet is put off limits and supervised by a member of staff for a short while.


I wouldn't put my hand down my own toilet to unblock it, but I can also recommend one of those long handled toilet plungers! Maybe you could ask the owner to provide one for future use. I wouldn't imagine that plumbing abilities and the like were part of your contract though.



I'm an owner and do most of the unpleasant jobs that I wouldn't expect my staff to do but putting my hand down a LOO!!!!!!!!

Sorry thats not a job I would expect any one to do. I would have had a go at unblocking it with maybe bleach and as you said a coat hanger but if all else failed a plumber.


How disgusting to expect his WIFE's staff to do the job. Why didn't he call his wife and ask her to do it if he didn't want to???


Horrible man!!!!!

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