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Toddlers Lips Turning Blue

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Hi everyone,

Over the past week my 20 month old child has had an ear infection and diarrhea. Each day for the last four days I have noticed his lips turning blue - this has happened once each day (3 times in the morning when sat down playing happily and yesterday in the afternoon when we were out shopping). I have told my doctor this morning however I didn't feel very satisfied with his answer. He's one of the newer styles of doctor who ask you what do you think is wrong? why do you think it is happening etc? I have done an internet search and have been frightened by the results so though I would post here to all my friends who might have some experience of this. Prior to the last four days I have never noticed this before and he is a well and happy child with no serious health problems (he has eczema, allegies to eggs and suspected ashtma).

Thanks Rachel x


A little boy at our school has had exactly the same problem and again the doctors don't seem worried


You have every right to be worried, I'd be petrified if that was happening to one of my children!


Don't really know what advise to give, i'd monitor it and then go back to the doctors if it continues.


Keep us informed of what happens x


Big hugs, mookie.


Can you get a second opinion from another doctor?


As your child is so young, he is unable to articulate to you as an older child might about how he is feeling and I think it is within your remit as his mother to get more satisfactory answers than you obviously feel you have.


Good luck.


After saying that though Mookie if your Doctor wasnt worried then there is a big chance that there actually isnt anything to worry over.Keep an eye on it and take him back to another doctor for a second opinion perhaps a lady doctor would be more sympathetic to your concerns.You can make yourself ill with worry self diagnosing as I have learnt :o


Aswell as being a play leader i also work some evenings as a carer along side a medical team, my medical knowledge is limited but i would suggest that you keep a record of what happens dates, times and for how long, i would also record what your doctor has said and how they have advised you, keep a record of the medication given etc. If you were to call NHS direct i am sure they would straight away call for a paramedic to attend. I would also advise that the next time you observe this take your child directly to A&E or call NHS direct. Once you are in i would hope that the medical team would check your child and give you some answers.

The trouble with having all of this information to hand is that it makes you panic, the more you look the more worrid you naturaly become as if bringing up children is not a worry in its self.

The sooner this is looked at and taken seriously the better for all concerned. At least you are aware and are reporting it and doing some thing to help your child. If you feel you are not being listened to shout lounder untill you are. Hope all goes well. This is like every parents nightmare.


Can't offer much in the way of medical advice, but I'd echo what Lesley has said - record when it is happening, how long it is happening for, what you were doing at the time and what your son was doing (did he have a particular toy, was he putting his fingers in his mouth etc) You may start to notice a pattern or trigger factors that could build a better case for getting more support from the doctor if this happens again.

Thinking of you...


This is weird as this happened only the other day to a child at my pre-school. She was sitting listening to stories with me. When her parents collected her I mentioned this and her Dad said that it had happened a few days before at home.. Her mum phoned me next day to say the child had a rash and she would ask the doctor about the blueness when he diagnosed the rash. I'll find out when we return after Easter.


I have come across this before with a child in my room. He suffers with eczema also. I noticed that his lips would turn blue but also his hands and feet, but he could have bright red cheeks. I mentioned it to parents and they had doctor check this out who also said it was nothing to worry about!

I was worried he had a circulation problem. It doesn't happen so often now. But it does worry me at times

Posted (edited)

Well I rang NHS direct tonight while it was happening and the lady said she was sending an ambulance for us :o I insisted that I didn't feel this was necessary as he seemed completely normal, was running around etc. She urged me to go and see a doctor immediently. I did this and the doctor checked his chest, heart etc and said that he couldn't find anything wrong. I asked him why it could be happening and he wasn't able to explain but was confident that everything is ok. I going to keep a really close eye on him and write down each time it happens however it does seem like it could be just one of those things. Thanks for all your advice. :)


Oh dear - after saying all that I have just been into his room as he breathing seemed a little deeper than normal over the monitor. He is absolutely fine though, no blue lips, temp, cold hands. I don't think anyone could could have prepared me for all the worrying I would do when I became a parent. Not sure I'm going to sleep very well tonight.

Edited by Guest

I'm sure you'll sleep better tonight Mookie after getting your son checked out. I'm glad it doesn't look like anything serious but you can never be too vigilant with children.


good morning Mookie, how is little man this morning?


Oh, Mookie... I just read this and I hope it is not something serious. I can understand your concern. Do as Lesley and the other girls have said and please keep us posted. Okay?


A big hug for you and your child.


Thanks for your thoughts. He is absolutely fine this morning - been playing out on his bike in the park for the last few hours. My partner works nights and I tend to panic when I'm on my own and hear any sort of noise from him. I'm going to try not to worry as apart from his lips going blue (they did it again this morning when we were running around) he is really well and happy etc.


I'm glad to hear he has been checked and everything ok. Just a word on keeping an eye on him. I would record what activities he has been doing just before his lips turned blue and see if there is a pattern or not. I have known a child in the past who had heart related problems and when he overexerted himself, his lips would turn blue. Something to do with the oxygen in his blood.


:o I just read this back and I didn't intend to panic. Especially as you have seen the doc and he confirms things are fine. I just wondered if there were any links in the run up to his lips turning blue.


Glad to hear you are all doing ok! enjoy the easter break!!


Hi Mookie

my daughter has hundreds of allergies, asthma and eczema. She has anaphylaxis too and we have to watch very carefully for her lips turning blue. It tends to be after she's been in contact something she's allergic to and we always give her inhaler when she has a blue tinge round her mouth. It's getting the balance between not panicking (we tend to find the blueness on its own isn't too much to worry about but we have to watch for her airway closing too) and keeping a really close eye on the situation.

Best of luck and feel free to pm me if you fancy a chat.




My 2 daughters lips turn blue when they feel the cold or under the weather.

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