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Lovely Marion asked me how it was going so I thought I would share my response. :)


Haven't been on the forum much for a while because we've had a computer nightmare!

Hubby's computer died ( this is what I use for internet access)

So we put internet on my laptop ( work computer)

Then hubby bought a new super duper computer which has Windows Vista :D Time taken to set up browsers etc :o


The degree work has been affected by the above changes, especially as the first module is all about Information Communication Technology :( :unsure:

I must admit I have felt like a headless chicken just trying to get used to the ultraversity site. It's a bit like first time on the FSF but with what seems like 100's more features to understand. I've had problems logging into certain areas of the ultraversity site because the uni hasn't yet processed my Student ID number into the various programmes I need to access. :ph34r: ( can't log in without my ID being recognised).


Today I've had another go and actually submitted my Individual learning plan for my 1st module. I am already a month behind :( IThe module needs to be completed by 27th April and I have 4 learning activities to do, all based on internet working, ie: set up communications with other researchers in the uni, set-up my webspace xD:(:ph34r: etc.

Then I have to produce a critical analysis of the above activities.


I have read previous students work on this module and it is a bit frightening, very academic, theories that are all new to me etc.


I am still excited about it all, but can envisage some future tearing out of hair in the unearthly hours of the morning. ;)


Time management is a serious issue, we've just booked a holiday for 10 days, :D:D , we have the 4 foster children arriving as soon as we get back from holiday and as well as completing module I, I am also meant to start my Action Inquiry at beginning of April. :wacko:


I haven't decided on my Action Inquiry project yet but am considering:

1/ ICT in early years ( a bit broad and needs a focus)

2/ The effectiveness of communication with parents using various ICT media.

3/ The use of digital photography to support under 5's to communicate their learning choices.

4/ How effectively does the early years sector ( PVI, Voluntary and Maintained) support looked after children (LAC) in line wit the Every Child Matters aims.


Oooh, not forgetting I also have a preschool business to run. :ph34r:


Shattered just describing my imminent workload. xD


What do you think about my Action Inquiry ideas?


News of my holiday in another post, hope you are not too jealous :rolleyes: :ph34r:





Good Grief!! I dont know how you manage to fit it all in!!


Number 3 - using digital photography to support under 5's to communicate their learning choices sounds really interesting. But then again I am not much help as I am finding my study with the OU overwhelming and its nothing compared to your huge list of things to do!!


Still it sounds like you'll need that holiday! Enjoy!


I think that looks ok peggy :) It looks really interesting.

Good luck Im sure you will be fine :)

Yes i am jealous weve got to wait til whit for our hol cos of lambing time :o


Looks and sounds brilliant both the study and the holiday, wow Peggy you are inspiring, feel free to tear you hair out frequently just to show us you are not some sort of super human!!

Guest tinkerbell

How exciting Peggy, both the holiday and the studying! and of course the prospect of 4 new children to foster!


Good luck



You make me feel tired just reading your list of things to do!! :o


I like the idea of digital photography. I often take my camera into nursery and let the children loose with it. The things some of the children choose to take photos of is really interesting. One lad's photos all contain a big pattern, trees, ceiling beams, carpet another lad takes photos of himself. Others take random photos which I then have to guess the location. I'm hoping the lead from my camera to their computer will be able to put their pics on the screen, it's a shame to waste their work. :D


Good luck with the new family. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly :D

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