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Anyone Else Glad It Is Friday?

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Ok, so I've had a terrible week at work and 3.30 couldn't come soon enough today!

Yesterday was awful, 1 of my kids (I teach in a school for kids with severe and profound difficulties) had a major fandango as I call it which went on for about 40 minutes, during which he bit me, breaking the skin so had to go to A and E to get it checked out! Thrilling eh?


Just so glad it is only 5 more getups till half term!


Anyone else fancy a moan?!


I thought it was only our deputy head who talked in terms of "get-ups". She can tell you on ANY given day how many getups til the next holiday!


Oh I'm not quite that bad! Only when it gets near the end of term do I think about it!


Only 5 get ups Nichola? We've still got 10!!!

I have had that wish it was Friday feeling all week-in fact threatened to give up altogether yesterday! So I know how you feel.

Hope you are ok now though.



Yeah, I'm fine, just a bruise on my knuckle where he bit me and a really sore arm where I had my Hep B jab!


Yes, we're off after next week.


Poor you Nichola

only 7 sleeps for me until the holidays, I can't wait


Hell yes to your original question

Ouch at the bite

and LOL at the 'get ups' I've only ever heard sleeps before!


Ouch Nichola, just think it's only because you must taste nice. :(


I have struggled a bit all week, just the normal common cold :unsure: I think it's the weather that is so draining, neither winter nor spring just weather :o )


Deputy off looking after sick son, ;) so supply cover in, she's ok but not as efficient as deputy, which is harder when I was not feeling up to par.


This afternoon all I wanted to do was fall asleep, but I keep thinking about that awful hidden camera in the nursery last year showing the staff sleeping on duty, so I thought better of it and I decided I must do something to keep awake. xD A Parent bought in some dressing up clothes today, so had a look in the bag and found a buzz lightyear outfit, it fitted me quite well, :( so I saved the world, prancing about as a super hero, the childrens faces were amazed to say the least, I then whispered "I've been on a secret mission saving the children from Jack Ice finger", I caught him and shut him in the freezer" Shall we let him go? We stomped off to the freezer with me singing the theme tune to the A Team, (well sorry that's my era, don't know the buzz lightyear song xD ).


Always have a frozen glove hand in the freezer available for impromptu drama sessions, anyway, all the children were 'touched' by da dahhh, "THE FINGER," and frozen into statues until a brave girl got the hairdryer and melted jack Ice finger saving the preschool, including Peggy buzzlight year. da, dahhhhh.

Then at last it was home time. :D




I wonder what hero I shall be next week. :wacko: :rolleyes: :ph34r:




oh dear nicola, glad its friday :D and a doctor has just said on beeb 2 a glass of wine is good for your heart to relax you...weeyyyyhaaaaaa :D:o


Well sadly I don't drink so not on the wine!

I know what you mean about wanting to fall asleep! Yesterday and today I've just wanted to do nothing! I had hoped the kids would give us an easy day, but they didn't!


Thank goodness, another nutter. I do sometimes get the feeling I'm the only one. Glad you saved the day Peggy, dont ever leave us will you :(:(


Hope you're arm feels better soon Nichola, not a nice thing to happen, but think of this, you could be an office worker :oxD


And in answer to the thread title...absobloodylutly :(

Thank goodness, another nutter. I do sometimes get the feeling I'm the only one. Glad you saved the day Peggy, dont ever leave us will you :(:(


Hope you're arm feels better soon Nichola, not a nice thing to happen, but think of this, you could be an office worker :oxD


And in answer to the thread title...absobloodylutly :(



Hehe! I'd so HATE to be an office worker! Actually I'd also hate to be back in mainstream, where I would be less likely to be 'got' as it were. I love being in special and he's a lovely kid, but he's just at such a low level and has been through a lot in his life and only been in the country and in school for a year. I have made some progress with him, I can now get him to say 'more' when he wants more food at snack time! Only thing he does say and only if he is in the mood!

It's just he's so big and strong I worry about his future in our school and in life.


Yes absolutely delighted that at last it is Friday. :) What a crappy day I have had, can't even be bothered to share, :o Just glad to have a look on the forum and a glass of wine and forget about work until tomorrow when I have records to complete. xD


quote "dont ever leave us will you "


can't promise, depends what secret mission I get sent on next :(

by the way, just spoke to daughter ( my deputy) who had a day off today looking after her son, I told her to start sewing because next week we, the adult staff, will be the superheroes, we have been so over run by boy power rangers it is time for us to make a stand.


Talk about following the childrens interests. HA :o


ShireL, hope you have a better week next week, sending big hugs.


Nichola, I remember many moons ago sending all my staff to have the Hep B jabs, I thought it was compulsory for staff to have it after receiving a letter about it from someone, NHS I think, anyway it turned out to be a recommendation for staff's benefits. I thought we had to have them to reduce the risk for the children xD:(

Glad you can reflect and see that our work isn't so bad after all, how many people can say that they can dress up as super heroes and get paid for it.




I went toa charity shop once and found some hideous coloured old hats 1940/50's hats bright colours. I used to walk around all day in different ones. forgot i had them on once and held a conversation with a new parent and couldn't understand why she kept looking at me funny!!!!!!!




new parent today, but luckily only had a coloured pasta necklace on but no hat xD




Oh I absolutely love my job. Wouldn't know what to do if I couldn't teach!

I've dressed up and done all sorts of stupid things in my time, the best probably being as an NQT jn a reception class...

I was sat in the large bricks with a group of lads playing The 3 little pigs, with me being one of the pigs. I was in full flow in role(and costume) as a little pig with 2 other kids as pigs and another as the wolf when along comes the head and the LEA advisor!

She wanted to talk to me, but I insisted on keeping my pig act up till the story was over and then I could talk! The advisor raised a smile, the head didn't! Needless to say I'm not still there!


The head must of been the big bad wolf in disguise. :o


Their loss eh. xD




hey so g;ad someones already started a thread about their days today!


oooh where do i start!!!!yesterday was not feelin great but as you do you go home sleep and struggle in for the next day not wanting to let people down...and knowing how rubbish they are at getting supply AND it was the TAs day off..


any hows turn up at school to park in the staff layby (which was blocked by an inconsiderate parent dropping her child off at the breakfast club..theyve been told many times not to park there) so i got out..maybe shouldnt have opened my mouth but the horrible lady didnt acknowledge me the whole way she was walkin back 2 her car and even when stood next to me unlocking it! so i quietly said "you are aware your not supposed to park here" to whih she very rudely snapped back..."try telling everyone".. humph.. in my fragile wobbly state i walked into school... i asked the breakfast club whos parent it was because felt i should report it to the head...

anyhow was sorting myslef out and the head walked in to give me somethin so i bought it up and wooo that was it my emotions exploded! i felt such a wally! i tried to pull myself together (this was about 20 mins before the bell) but the tears were just uncontrolable! thankfully a fellow collegue took it upon herself to go see the head and make it known i was not well and shouldnt b in school!..she got my children in and still the tears were flowing! the head came round and 'kindly' pointed out school was close 2 closure cuz of staff sickness which made me feel EVEN better!urgh anyhows left school in floods of tears and just felt exhausted... got home about half 9 and could not actually move off the sofa until about half 6..just had no energy :o


..sorry everyone just wanted to have my outburst... am still feelin drained this evening but have managed to have a bath and wash my hair..off to bed again soon!

was just very miffed!!!! xx

Posted (edited)



But did aunty beeb say how big the glass should be heh? One of those that takes half a bottle???? Oh forget the glass, give me a straw!!


Can't complain hasn't been a bad week, felt dreadful with my first cold in ages though.


Mind you have felt really tired and longed for a lie in at the weekend since Christmas but then if I go to bed so late!! Roll on the spring!


Had a lovely walk with the children in the sunshine to see some lambs today, and the drawings when we came backwere great!


Have a good weekend everyone!


PS sorry to hear about your day Nichola, must be very trying when you get that sort of response.

Edited by Deb

I am so glad this week is over its been an emotional one

Monday - a staff member off sick informed me that she could be off for up to six months...worry !!


Tuesday - child climbs on my knee and asks me why i dont want to be her teacher any more ( Peggy i took your advice and told her how special she was) came home read samantha's communication diary she had hit, kicked, pinched, screamed and her support assisstant was at her whits end with her it's hard to read those things (shed a few tears)


Wednesday - Started to clear my room of personal items ( Elvis calender, buddah, glass mosque, photographs of children who have gone to big school, music collection) then realised these things mean as much to the children as they do to me so put them all back in their places (shed a few tears again)


Thursday - chatted to the childrens new teacher she told me about the changes she wants to make ( this was all too much and i went to the office where i crumbled into a histerical blubbering mess again!!!)


Friday - trying to answer all the staff questions about the changes, came home and wrote a poem to the class, sat and had yet another cry and wondered if i had made a mistake.


what a week i am totally emotionally drained


TGIF! Had book week this week and this was dressing up day. My team and I dressed up as Little red riding hood, granny, mum, wolf and wood cutter, fine until you realise you are getting funny looks driving along as rr hood, at least I didn't have to drop my children off to school complete in fur coat, ears, tail and full face paint wolf style! :D New parents totally bewlidered by the enthusiasm we have for dressing up - they will get used to us! Am starting to worry about our y2 teacher who dressed as Goldilocks with HIS ta and y1 teacher and ts as the three bears. He really needs to get a decent wig and get rid of that stubble if he is going to take it up professionally!! :o

All in all a fairly relaxed day considering the children are all totally excited and full of it, think the staff are in post-Ofsted stupor, we need a half term!! Only 1 week to go! Still went to the pub for lunch AND after work too! TGIF!


as I read every ones posts I dont know whether to laugh or cry xD:D:(:D



Peggy I would have loved to see you as Buzz light year and steph in your hats do you have any photos?!?!?!?

as for the frozen hand in the freezer Peggy..... scary or what!!!! :o


but you know what they say

"laugh and the world laughs with you cry and you cry alone"

who ever wrote that phrase had never heard of FSF!!!!


Jojom {{{{{big Hug}}}}} I hope next week is a better week for you

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