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Took My Class Skiing Today


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post-2760-1169504468_thumb.jpgpost-2760-1169504569_thumb.jpgpost-2760-1169504660_thumb.jpgWE had snow in Gt manchester! But not enough to ski sadly - however, we did do LOST IN THE SNOW, and little teddy found his way frozen into our playground! With the loving care of our reception he soon warmed up and is now perfectly recovered from his ordeal!
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Great pics megsmum and michaelle :D What lovely ideas. :D


Can't wait for snow either, the wind is freezing in Kent, some hefty hail stones but no white stuff yet.


Mind you now I've said that I will most probably wake up to 10 foot of it tomorrow :o



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If it makes you feel better Rea, I do prefer lots of warm sunshine and heat waves, but just for a little while, enough snow to make a snowman with. :D



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We had a bit of snow on Wednesday - gone by lunchtime, though!


I had the presence of mind to collect some in a graduated jar, we marked the level and time and left it to watch what happened. About an hour later a parent came in to collect her child for an appointment. Child was excitedly explaining about the snow 'experiment' - and parent, in her enthusiasm knocked it over, spilling contents! :o


She was mortified, but daughter said 'Never mind Mummy, it won't stain and no one will shout at you here'



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What a lovely comment to make. :D


I once collected snow to watch it melt/ A helpful parent threw our slush away so I had to cheat and put plain water in the pot. 'Oh look whats happened children,' :o:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

SNOW IS COMING TO THE WEST MIDLANDS TONIGHT!!! That's what it says in the paper tonight anyway - Dudley LEA has apparently made the decision to shut all its schools tomorrow already!! Please just let us have a little bit that settles, even if only for a few hours! :D

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Well hubbys just said I'm not allowed to go to work tomorrow if theres loads of snow, he says I'm a bad driver. I might get to like snow :D



But each snow flake would have to be attached to a diamond for me to like it much even then :o

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