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Is there any way that we can share planning formats?


I will be running a Foundation Stage Unit in September and haven't taught Reception for 13 years (pre- NLS +NNS)!


I have occasionally asked members to e-mail me copies of planning that they have found useful but have as yet had no replies.


Could there be a page on your site where samples of member's planning can be displayed and available to download? (I always find completed plans more useful - a good guide as to how much detail people are using).


I would be happy to share my Nursery PLnning which has proved very successful through Ofsted Inspections.


Hope you can help.




HI Tracey

don't think I've welcomed you in, so welcome.

Your challenge for September sounds exciting, will you be moving schools to do this or is it at your current school?

There are some planning formats available to view, and download I think. You can follow a link to them from the front page.

Since contributing alot of these we have actually simplified our plannin g in school and the newer form I am happy to share with you. The answer to detail is not a lot, merely a guide or aide memoire really.

we also don't plan our week in total- only timetabled events such as PE through the week to allow us to respond to the children.

Does that make sense?


Looking forward to talking to you more about this, as it is something we are working on in school and I too am keen to know what others are doing.




Hi Susan,


We're setting up the FS Unit at my present school. We're hoping to get building works completed for September which will mean we will have three large rooms and a very large outdoor area.


I am still unsure how we are going to organise things! We've visited one or two units and have a few more visits planned, but as settings are so different we haven't found anything that will work for us yet.


Staffing hasn't been decided yet, so when the team is finalised we can work together on planning exactly how we are going to run the unit.


Planning is the biggest nightmare for me! I haven't taught Reception for such a long time so its a little daunting - I'm sure it will be easier than I think as we're just continuing the education of the children we presently have in Nursery. I've read lots of comments about NLS and NNS and feel that the children that we work with need play so Im' hoping to begin formal lessons in the final half term.


I've looked at the planning formats you told me about, ours is similar at the moment but I'm sure I'm adding far too much detail!


I look forward to hearing from anyone else with experience of FS Units - good or bad!




We have had discussions on the FS units at one time or another. You will find them here


I loved working this way but unfortunately no longer do at the school I am in now but having been through the process twice, I am more than willing to dicsuus further with you if you should want to. Somewhere I will also have the planning profrmas that we used so if you would like copies let me know and I will seacrh them out for you.


Hi Mundia,


I would love to see copies of your planning formats! I would be grateful if you could e-mail them to me.


Its nice to hear someone say they enjoy working as a FS Unit, some of the feedback I've had has been negative.


Look forward to hearing from you.




hi Tracey,

Sounds exciting. Lucky you!

I used to think I liked being in a school and aiding transition to KS1 but I'm beginning to think a FS unit would suit me far better.

You can if your children's needs indicate keep the formality until yr1. We tried experimenting last September with a more play based approach to yr1. Worked well and I didn't need to bang my head on the delivery of a literacy or numeracy hour wall. :D


Have you seen the new book "Smooth Transitions" by Sally Featherstone & Ros Bayley.

It could be worth a read and its not very expensive.




Hi Susan,


I've just ordered a copy of "Smooth Transitions" so I'll let you know if its worth buying.


A colleague is also going on Sally Featherstone's course of the same name at the end of the month.


I'll keep you posted.




Tracey, I've bought the book! Thats why I suggested it but I'd be interested to hear about the course and any other thoughts you have.

I find Sally Featherstone and Ros Bayley both very good presenters, I've heard them both a couple of times!




Tracey, our recveption teachers went on the course- and came back full of ideas so Im sure your colleageue will too :D

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