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Can Anyone Help?


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I very rarely watch TV, and certainly don't watch anything on a regular basis.


EXCEPT - when Bad Girls is on, I am addicted.


I set the video to tape the Christmas Special the other night, whilst I went to see James Bond at the cinema.


I sat down to watch it last night, but it hadn't taped (operator error!!). I am gutted, and can't find anyone who has taped it. Does anyone have a copy that they could lend me???


Sorry, Shelley, I've never seen it! Hope your withdrawal symptoms aren't too bad :o


Hey Marion it is repeated on ITV2 12.40 on Christmas Eve.


Merry Christmas


oops sorry Marion I obviously meant Shelly :oxD


thanks loads - shall be out and about so shall attempt the video player one more time!!




son said this may help with unseen or missed programmes.


some are OK others not so good some lousy and others wrong so hit and miss as to whether it works he has watched some programmes very successfully on this site or so he says

cannot guarantee any help but if desperate may be worth a look




Went out this morning and rushed back for 12 to get the video set, only to discover it's 12:40 tonight! Better get the video set before I fall asleep!!!

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