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Rug With Numbers On?

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I'm desperately trying to locate a large rug with numbers or shapes (numbers preferably) to kit out our maths area. Has anyone seen one anywhere lately?


Thanks for your help.


I've ahd a leaflet come in the post once of a company that sells rugs for settings with ABC numbers world etc will see if I can find it. I think I probably threw it away because it was sooooo expensive.

Does a Google search come up with anything. educational rugs????


I know the ones you mean.they are expensive, but very hard wearing, so they do last for years...and I can't find a wretched catalogue for them either..........I had a quick Google, but can't find it on there!


looks like we have all had the catalogue and then recycle it (because of the cost of them,) they do look good though, not found mine either sorry





I was browsing on ebay at the weekend, and am certain I saw one on there. Didn't bid for it myself - my boyfriend will kill me if another parcel for nursery turns up at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think I got ours from the bargain basement in IKEA


Thanks to everyone for your ideas. I did try Ikea but I couldn't find a number rug on the website. Was it a hopscotch one? I'll go and have a look at your suggestions. Thanks again

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