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Beep Bots


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Does anyone have any of these Beep Bots in their setting, and if so - any advice please. There are so many bits of resources that go with it, I would like to know what to buy


How many beep bots would I need


They are called beebots nanny-they don't have a p on the end! :)

It would depend on how many you wanted and how big a group you are going to use them with. We have four on loan, but usually only use two at a time. I would be inclined to make my own resources, the ones that go with them are quite pricey and some would be fairly easy to make.

We have a piece of fabric which is fairly thick and smooth and is coloured squares that we are going to use with ours next week.



How do they work? Are they remote control? (Using radio waves?) It's just that we have been thinking about getting one but one of our children has a pacemaker and we have to be careful.




They run off of batteries and you have to press the button on the top of the bee bot to programme it where to go

Guest DeborahF

I was on at a Knowledge and Undeerstanding of the World Conference yesterday and spent one workshop playing around with a variety of ICT toys including these - they were great fun! I think they're fairly expensive but I did like them. There are all sorts of accessories to go with them as well like different coloured shells if a group of children ar playing with them, a wooden maze to direct them around, mats of things like treasure islands marked out with a grid to get children to direct to different squares, etc. Something like that would be fairly easy to make yourself I suppose!


We only have one, it wa all our budget would stretch to, but the children do love it and its much easier to programme than the roamer.


The one resource I did buy was the clear plastic overlay, i find this useful, but al the boards I use I have made from card..bought fro 10p a picve at our lcoal playcerntre resource place. So far I have made letters, numbers and shapes.. my next step is the make the route pieces for the children to make their own routes with.


We brought the starter set, 1 beebot, a clear plastic grid, some shells and two different printed tracks, treasure island and a street scene. I have made other resources myself, a bridge, money mat, alphabet and number mats etc. The children love it, the batteries seem to last well and within a class of 23 one is enough although I would obviously use more if I had them. The one item I am thinking of buying is the trailer, I can't think of how to make it and it would be very useful with some of the games I have made.




We have one of these on order from Tesco's and the shape mat. We puchased one with the Vouchers for Schools we collected. It should be delivered sometime soon.


So it's not remote control then? I just assumed it must be a bit like a remote control car!


That's great news



If you follow the link Carolyn there is a picture...........its a small very simple programmable robot bee with arrows for forwards/backwards left/right and start it moves one step for each time the arrow is pressed and will beep if you want it to

much more early years friendly than roamers or pips


We use them too. Bought a six pack with our e-learning credits!

We make our own mats for them to travel on although the children love to make them travel under tables, down corridors and into other classrooms when you are not looking! :o

Great fun and really really easy to learn to use!

liz x

  • 2 weeks later...

Liz, can you remember where you ordered your bee bots from using the e learning credits? That is what we want to use ours for but I can't seem to find anywhere that will let us use them to buy them as they are not software.

Many thanks



Hi Laura

You can buy them from Pink Cow using your credits. I have put a link into the actual page here. I'm not sure wether you can buy them through TTS too.



I have had a quick look at the TTS website and I can't find the Curriculum Online logo which is on the Pink Cow site. You would maybe have to ask before you ordered them.



Think we got ours from TTS, not sure just put in a request and they arrived courtesy of our ICT co-ordinator!

They are also bringing out a car with more detailed logging in info bittons etc for KS2.

Liz x


Bee bots can also be bought using tesco computer vouchers..... I don't know when the next round of voucher give aways is but its worth looking out for


Ruth x


Has anyone recieved bee bots as a freebie. It seems that some settings in our area have but we seem to have missed out!!!!


Thank you everyone, so pleased that they are a hit in so many settings

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