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Inside The Black Box


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Ive heard of this book, 'Inside the Black Box' about assessmnet for learning but not come across it myself. Can anyone tell me anyhting about it and if its of any use in early years. Im afraid I dont know the author



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Havent used it either but there are two books Inside the black box and Working inside the black box. From what I know it is a discussion on formative assessment rather than ideas for doing assessment. Think working inside..........is more advice.

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not so much a book - more a pamphlet really came from university of London I think? Have read it and do have copy at work, as said it's focus is the value of assessment FOR learning rather than assessment OF learning and what this means. Principles are sound for any stage of learning I would say.

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It is a pamphlet style book. I used it on my teacher training - and am sure I still have it somewhere. I seem to think it's all about theory - but was quite useful. It has a black cover (funnily enough!)

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