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Sand And Water - How Do You Plan For It?

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Just wondering how people plan for sand and water - do you plan a specific focus/ theme say each day /week or leave it open for the the children to take the lead or do a mixture of both?


We do both, although as Marion says, directed is really best if it is an adult focussed task - otherwise, if your intake are anything like mine :o you end up with them totally ignoring what you've planned and they just put in anything they fancy. At least I should be able to tick the FSP for 'selects activities/resources independently!




marion I 'm going to sound really thick now - I get the adult directed part but when you say continous provision planning - what do you exacltly mean - sorry for being so dense! :o


Thanks Marion - that's cleared a few things up for me - and will be great in developing our planning and rooms!

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