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At the beginning of erery term when we come back we always find several children who are infested!! searching for more info on this found the following site which you may find useful nittygritty.


if you follow the links on the page there is a letter which parents can give to Gps and practice nurses to get a nitfree comb on prescription. may be useful to give out details.


Also found this, hintsandthings which has some unusual ideas! and some rather alarming ones....




We gave out free head lice combs to all the children last term with instructions. Problem is the parents who need to use them don't so children get reinfected time and time again...........off to check mine Im itching at the thought.


Oh they can get free treatment from the chemist in my area dont know if this is true nationally but might be worth checking


Some interesting info thanks.

I have lost count of the amount of times I have had nits

I found some good stuff called 'nitwit' made by a little company called 'Comfort and Joy'.

The bottle of oil gets the critters out and the nitwit shampoo is brilliant too.

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