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A while back i was sent a sample sticker which aided toilet training.


It was a black shape of an alien in a spaceship, and when 'weed' on the picture became colour and showed the alien. :o


Does anyone have a clue about what i am talking about, if so where can i get these from?!

Guest Really

I know exactly what you are talking about as I bought some for my house - having 2 small boys. You can buy them from www.thestickerfactory.co.uk and they are great. They last about 6 months and it has solved the problem in our house!! :o


i got some from the sticker factory and used them at home for a laugh on son and hubby (not amused though) :oxD:(

Guest Really

Apparently if you are a bloke you can't help but wee on them - so I am told! :D


I'm guessing this isn't a sticker that one puts on their jumper, because surely that would be just inappropriate! :o


Is this something that I could suggest to a very worried Mum of mine. The boy apparently refuses to use the toilet at home and favours the potty, despite using the toilet at nursery. Mum has invested in seats, towers, steps, special wipes and soaps, and still he only uses the potty; what's more, he waves the potty at her, rather than independently using it. he's four and will be starting reception in September. He also is still wetting 95% of the time at night. I think Mum's having a rough time of it and is getting a little fed up with having to change bedding in the night, every night, in the dark so as not to wake older son. She's tried sticker charts and rewards but says nothing seems to work. Any ideas for me to suggest to her?

  Marion said:
We use ping pong balls with targets drawn on. They float and wont flush away Honest!


Well, you certainly do learn something new every day :D , what a good and inexpensive idea. Are the children tempted to 'fish them out' though? :o




It was an idea we borrowed from another school and for the first week the balls kept disappearing.........turned out it was the cleaners. We do show the children the balls on their initial visit and 'remind' them not to touch but in general we have had no problems. Cleaners have now added them to the gents staff toilet!

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