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My bearnaise sauce has just split, and I can't for the life of me remember what you do to remedy a separated sauce: I think it's something like add cold water and whisk, or put over cold water and whisk.

Does anybody know???

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if it splits try turning off the heat, beat an egg yolk in a seperate bowl and slowly add your béarnaise into it, while whisking ... when it has thickened, get back to the bain marie and finish incorporating the butter. Know this is probably too late to help

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Thanks for those!

I tried whisking to within an inch of it's life & that didn't work.

I tried adding ice cubes and beating, which unsplit it (glued it?? :o ) but it didn't re-thicken, so placed back over bain marie... still didn't thicken, but tasted nice anyway as a kind of gravy!

Thanks Marion - will try to remember that for next time. :)

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